Chapter 22: New faces, New start

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Last night was an amazing night in London, after it started raining we went to Nandos. Which was under the bridge and left a massive window looking out onto the river. It was romantic as anything, and not once did Beau pop into my mind, which i was happy and sad about. Happy because it'll make an easier decision between the pair of them, yet i don't want leave him. I woke up properly, letting my eyes adjust to the bright light that was shining through the spaces that my curtains didn't cover. I stretched and relaxed into my bed, enjoying the view of my full wardrobe. Even though it's all summer clothes and it was starting to go into autumn. I sighed. Another day, another shit day at school. I got up and changed into my uniform, just throwing my hair up into a bun, leaving a few strands of hair out, falling by my face. I walked out into the hallway and Luke and Beau's bed's were empty. They only have a night left in London, and i've decided what i was going to do about both of them. 

I walked into the kitchen and Sam, Beau and Luke were all messing about. I hadn't seen Sam since yesterday morning so i walked straight towards him, Tucking myself under his arm while he wrapped it around my shoulders. He kissed the side of my head and rubbed my arm while carrying on his conversation with Beau and Luke. "So what have you got the most in trouble for doing?" Sam asked with his mouth full of cereal. "Well, even though I've been arrested" Beau started. "The worst thing i did was throw a rock through Jai's window" He managed to get out, while laughing at the memory. Luke laughed with him. "He's almost 20 years old, and our mom still grounded him, it was so funny" Luke added. I giggled under Sam's arm. Gina must of been fuming, but that didn't stop me from laughing as hard as Beau was. I stole one of Beau's slices of toast and happily ate it, he looked like he was going to protest but he just let me have it. I looked at Sam's shirtless body which i was leaning on. "Aren't you going to school today?" I asked confused. He shook his head. Great, a day with dirty looks and no one to defend me. I acted causal about it. "Oh okay, well i best be going then" I said while poking Sam's abs. I quickly removed myself from under Sam's arm and headed for the door. "Wait" I heard from behind me. I turned round to see a shirtless Beau. What is it with Guys and Shirts in this house? "Don't you own a shirt?" I said sarcastically. He smirked at me. "How would you like it if i roamed around without a shirt on?" I said. I realised what it meant and instantly wanted to take it back. "I wouldn't mind it actually, Not like i haven't seen it before" he said with a wink. I blushed and he laughed. "Want a lift?" he eventually got out. I nodded. Even though it would be as awkward as anything after that comment.

The car journey was as awkward as i thought it was going to me. Actually, No, It was worse, As Beau decided he didn't want to wear a shirt. When Beau pulled up to the school he leaned in for a full on kiss. But i converted it from lips to cheek. He smiled at me as i got out the car, but it soon faded and was replaced by a stern stare. I know I'm upsetting him, but i just didn't want his lips on mine. I only wanted Luke's, even though the only reason me and Beau started seeing each other in the first place was because Luke couldn't make up his mind about what we are to each other. He still hasn't now really, even though I've slept with the guy twice. I walked to my locker like every morning and yet again none of my friends were there. I sighed. I guess they really were gone. Faye has even stopped talking to me. I opened my locker and got out this mornings books. I heard the locker next to me open, which had always been empty. I looked to my left, moving the my locker door so i could get a good look at who was there. She was a short girl, that wore her uniform similar to myself. She had long, blond, wavy hair. She had natural rosy cheeks and natural pink lips that girls would kill for. Including me. Her eyes were a piercing blue and her smokey eye make-up similar to mine made them stand out even more. She looked at me and smiled, revealing pearly white teeth. "Hey" she said, in her sweetly high pitched voice. "I'm Alex, I'm new" she carried on, extending her hand. I shook her hand and smiled back. "Hey, I'm Chelsea. What year are you in?" I asked, praying she would say mine. "Year 12, how about you?" she asked. I was excited, maybe this could be the friend i was looking for. "Same" I replied, smiling. I was desperate to make a good impression. "want me to show you around?" i suggested. She nodded eagerly. I was going to refrain myself from mentioning the boys, she didn't seem to recognise me, which was good. Maybe she didn't even know who the Janoskians were, well, hopefully.

Alex followed me into the sixthform centre while i was explaining what it was for etc. "Look what the cat dragged in" Spat a familiar voice behind me. I span around and saw all my old friends, including Faye and Bradley. The sight of him made me sick to my very core. All the colour drained from my face and my gut told me to run, but i stood my ground. I turned away from them and Lucy was laughing like something was actually funny while Bradley joined in. One thing made me smile, Bradley looked like shit. He had two black eyes, a purple nose, cuts on his forehead and a wrapped up wrist, while Luke didn't even have a scratch. "Chelsea, Are you okay?" asked Alex. I totally forgot she was still with me. I nodded at her and forced a smile. She seemed to believe it as her face relaxed. I sunk into the sofa's provided to the sixthform centre and Alex sat next to me. "Enjoying your first day?" I asked. She nodded, smiling. "I'm glad you were able to show me around!" she replied. I smiled. It was good to finally have a friend after being completely ignored by my ex-friends. I sure as hell wasn't going to introduce Alex and the boys any time soon, or even bring them up.

I was glad when the school day was over. I still hated school, even though today i had Alex to hang around with, who was very down to earth. I tried to avoid the topic of me not having any friends and the reason for this, so she didn't think i was a complete loser. We exchanged numbers and stuff throughout the school day so i hope this is the start of a genuine friendship. I walked out of school, and saw Luke standing across the road. I smiled and ran to him, not bothering to look for on coming cars, and thankfully there wasn't any. I ran into his open arms and he tightly wrapped his arms around me, lifting me up from the floor. "What are you doing here?" I asked him, as he put me down. "Is it so bad that i wanted to pick my girl up from school?" He said, looking down at me. I giggled and the colour flushed into my cheeks. My girl. The thought of him saying that just made my smile grow by the second, it was like a bunch of butterflies had been realised into my stomach. "Me and Beau were just sitting around today" he started, taking my hand as we started walking home. "Oh god, this cant end well" I said, playfully. He chuckled and poked me in my side. "Well your room is looking alittle, well... Dull." He finished. He was right, all the walls were a boring light brown colour. I nodded in agreement.

"Go on..." I said.

"Well me and Beau brought all different coloured paints and we're painting your room, to remind you of us when we leave" He explained. A smile spread across my face.

"That's brilliant!" I shouted out enthusiastically.

Luke looked nervous until now, he smiled with me and i also saw abit of excitement creep onto his face. He kissed my hand. I was going to miss him so much. but i couldn't put him through the pain of not having me with him when he as me. I was going to have to put this all to and end or put my full commitment into us. Which i don't think Luke was ready for. Him being thousands of miles away would be hard enough, but if he cheated on me, i couldn't handle it. He's not ready for us otherwise i would be calling myself his girlfriend already. 

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