Chapter 29: Mistakes happen

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I pushed Luke away from me. This was too much. I ran back inside as fast as i could in my heels. 

"Chels, Come back! I'm sorry!" He shouted after me. I opened the club door and ran back inside. I ran straight into Skip, thankfully. His securing arms wrapped around me. 

"Are you okay, Chels?" He asked concerned. I broke free of his arms and looked at him; I nodded and smiled. I grabbed his hand and down the stairs to the dance floor. He followed me without objection. Eventually, after weaving in and out of the massive crowd, we were in the middle of the dance floor. I brushed off what just happened with Luke and concentrated on having a good time with Skip. We danced for a little while before he went to go get drinks. I was dancing by myself, in the middle of the crowded dance floor, enjoying myself. One song ended and i waited for the next one to start. I was surprised when i didn't start when it usually does.

"Now its time to grab that special lady you've had your eye on all night" The D.J said into the microphone. I looked around and saw couples look at each other and smile strangely.

"The only rule is you can't dance with someone you came here with!" He announced. I sighed. I looked around for James however i saw him already attached to some girl i may or may not seen before. Everyone was paring up around me and i decided this wasn't the place for me. I went to turn around and surprise surprise, i ran into Luke. I stepped back, out of his reach. He chuckled to himself for some reason. 

"May i have this dance?" He asked, holding his hand out to me. I rolled my eyes and slid my hand into his. He pulled me into him almost instantly, as if he was afraid i was going to change my mind and leave. He kept hold of my right hand and slid his other hand around my waist, bringing me in closer. I placed my left hand on his shoulder. The music started and so did the make-out sessions between couples around me.

"Look, Chels, I'm sorry". I rolled my eyes. "I thought you wanted to" He carried on.

"I know you're sorry" I said simply. I relaxed a little, resting my head on his shoulder.

"You know, No matter what happens, what you say to me, or where you are, I will always be here for you, even if you don't want me too" He whispered into my hair.

I sighed. "What about Alaska?" I asked.

"I dumped her" He breathed.

"If i fall for you, would you fall too?"He asks. I flutter my eyes and he leans in slowly, giving me enough time to react and push him away. But i didn't want to push him away, i wanted him close to me. He softly kissed me, and it was different from the drunken kiss we shared earlier, it was soft and meaningful.

It was a bright morning, and i couldn't recall the events from last night. I put myself up on my elbows and looked around the room. At least i was in Skip's guestroom. I suddenly got a roaring headache; I pushed my palm against my forehead. I looked under the covers and i found myself completely naked. Was i missing something here? I looked to my left and the bed was empty. Relief washed over me. I tiptoed out of bed and got my short, white dressing gown and wrapped it around myself. I looked in the mirror to see if i was decent enough to walk around like this. It came mid-way between my knee and my hip. I suppose it was acceptable as long as i avoid Skip's Father. I adventured out into the hall way. It was completely empty and looked like it had been undisturbed since i some how got in last night. Where was Skip? I shrugged off the thought and went to walk down the stairs.

When i reached the bottom of the stairs, it was obvious to me that i was the only one in. Which was strange considering it wasn't my house. All the blinds were down over the windows, so as i went up to the first window to lift up the blinds, the bathroom door opened. I snapped my head to see who it was, begging for it to be Skip. My prayers were not answered, as Luke stepped out, completely naked. I gasped and looked away. There was an umbrella next to me, so i opened it up and threw it at him, covering him.

"Did we?" I asked, scared of the answer. He chuckled to himself and nodded. Still holding the open umbrella over himself.

I ran my fingers through my hair, disappointed in myself. I lightly banged my forehead against the closest wall. 

"Why are you walking around naked?!" I said at him, slightly offended. He shrugged his shoulders.

A few memories from last night came flowing into my mind. Me and Luke had been fooling around all night, him being more sober than i was. He asked me if i wanted to go back to his and i said no. Then, he escorted me back to Skip's house. When we arrived here he took advantage of the little English drunk girl and convinced me to sleep with him.

I gasped in disbelief. "You took advantage of me?" I asked him, shocked.

"No, you were as up for it as i was" He demanded.

"Was that why you were trying to get me drunk?!" I screamed at him, as i remembered more and more from the night before.

"No Chelsea, list-" I cut him off.

"I cant believe you! I cant believe it let you take advantage of me. You know what, You're a tosser and i never want to see you again. I'm going home." I spat at him.

I ran upstairs, not even tempted to look back. The thing that hurt me the most, i didn't hear him try and run after me. I reached my room and slammed the door behind me. I power walked around the room, collecting all my stuff and shoving it into my suit case, not bothering to fold anything up. I was eventually ready to go, i dressed myself in a pair of trackie bottoms and a white vest top. I double checked i had everything then stormed downstairs. I was half-expecting Luke to still be there but he wasn't. Which was strange because i didn't hear him leave. 

I arrived back in England. The cold air hit me hard, and to my surprise it was snowing. I sighed to myself, and it sunk in that i just left Australia, without saying goodbye to anyone. I found my luggage and walked out to the carpark, to find a free taxi. Then i saw the one person i needed to see. Sam. I ran to him as fast as i could and he stood there, arms opened. I ran into his chest and he wrapped his arms around me, making me feel safe and secure. The tears overwhelmed me and i cried into Sam's chest. His grip around me tightened and he took me home.

A few weeks later, its like everything went back to normal. Me and Alex were hanging out everyday after school and me and Sam were still best friends and living together. I deactivated my twitter, to get away from all the drama on twitter. To get away from them. Over the past 3 weeks when i unexpectedly left Australia i've had 30+ texts from each of the boys, excluding Luke, of course. 

I was in my room with Alex, cutting out outfits from magazines for textiles homework. Suddenly Alex put down her scissors and curled up in a ball, moaning in pain. "Whats wrong?" I asked, concerned. 

"These period pains are killing me!" She shouted. I did feel sorry for her, considering i know how it feels. 

"Aw, bless you" I said giggling softly.

"Hey, Don't laugh at me! You know how it feels!" She exclaimed. I giggled to myself. Actually, when was the last time i knew how it felt?


Thank you for reading so far into this FanFic! I'm hoping that you've all enjoyed it and you've seen my writing improve since the first chapter i did, which was near April time. The next chapter will be the last of the series, and I'm still debating whether or not to do a sequel or a new Fanfic all together. So please feel free to leave your opinion in a comment below. Thank you again for everyone who continuously votes, reads and comments. They are greatly appreciated and if it wasn't for you guys i wouldn't of carried on the series at all.

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