Chapter 3: Moments

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Luke's POV:

Skip couldn't keep his mouth shut and blurted the whole thing out to Chelsea. She screamed in excitement. However even though only Skip and Chelsea were only in the kitchen and everyone else was in the garden, we all heard her screams. We all ran inside and the first thing i did was tackle Skip for telling her. She jumped into my arms, and I was holding her in cradle.

However, when everyone was fangirling  with each other, she did something unexpected. She kissed my neck, multiple times. I put her down and she looked directly into my eyes and smiled. I played with my lip ring and half-smiled back. I got butterflies in my stomach but i tried to ignore them so i wouldn't blush. We stood like that for a few seconds before Beau picked Chelsea up from behind and spun her around, and Chelsea started screaming playfully and giggling.That was probably the first intense moment we've shared since i kissed her, and Beau completely disrupted it. I suppose he didn't know.

After he put her down, he turned her around and hugged her, then kissed her cheek. That's it, i've had enough, i cant handle this anymore. I walked straight up to her, and pulled Chelsea away from her hug with Beau, placed my hands on her cheeks and before she could react, i placed my lips on hers. At first she tensed up, probably because she was taken by surprise, then i felt her relax and her arms wrapped around my neck. I could feel the warmth of her body against mine. I could feel the butterflies, every time we touched i would get butterflies, scrap that, every time i saw her. And at this point, my stomach felt like it had been kicked, but didn't result in pain. She broke the kiss and looked around, everyone was staring.

"Well" she said "I guess that made a statement" She said while holding in her giggles. she went as red as a school girl. Ariana squealed and put our arms around both me and Chelsea and pulled our heads into hers.

"I think this calls for a night out!" Ariana shouted excitedly.

Me and the boys were ready. But Ariana and Chelsea were still in Chelsea's room. "OW!" Shouted Chelsea.

"It has to be done now sit still!" Shouted Ariana back. I've never heard Ariana shout before, even though it wasn't serious i was taken aback. 

Chelsea's POV:

I was starting to get sick and tried of Ariana pulling me about, but she finally done my outfit, hair and makeup. Ariana took a few steps back to admire her creation.

"That's it! Perfect! If Luke doesn't like you in this he definitely likes men!" I placed my hand over my mouth and laughed, Ariana started to laugh with me.

"Come on then, have a look!" Ariana finally gave me permission to look at my own reflection. How kind. I wobbled up to the full-length mirror. As i get closer to the mirror i got used to the very high, off white felt, high heels that Ariana bought me today. I look up and I'm completely transformed. Ariana picked out a pastel pink, strapless, love heart cut shaped dress that had a same colour pink silk waist band under my bust. She curled my hair like her signature hairstyle, which she changed tonight.

"Oh my goodness... Ariana how did you manage this? i look..." Ariana finished off my sentence in a way i wasn't expecting.

"Beautiful? Stunning?"

"I was gonna say girly!" Ariana giggled and grabbed my hand and led me out the door.

Luke was leaning against the wall next to his bedroom door. Ariana lead me straight past Luke, he was looking at his phone, looked up at me as i went past and had to double take. I was already half way down the hallway when he looked up the second time. I looked over my shoulder to at him while Ariana was still pulling me in the opposite direction. Luke ran to me and grabbed my remaining hand, he spun me away from Ariana and pulled my body to his while he leaned against a wall.

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