Chapter 18: London are you ready?

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I had a shower, which made me feel refreshed and put me in a better mood. I losely curled my hair to make it look natural. I put on some grey, sport shorts, which were quite short i might add, and a white vest top. I didn't want to put in too much of an effort, i wanted to look effortlessly attractive. The curls hanged past the bottom of my bust. I looked quite cute actually. I didn't bother trying to cover up my cut as everyone is gonna want to see it anyway. I walked out to the living room and they were all already there. James was the first to react because he was already looking in my direction before i stood out into the hallway. He ran to me, and stopped bolt in front of me. He hugged me tightly and lifted me up. He slowly span me around and carefully put me back on my feet, he drew away and his eyes diverted from looking at me to looking at the cut on my forehead. He drew me in for another hug and kissed my cheek. 

James escorted me into the living room where all the rest of the boys were sitting. They stood up as soon as i entered. Jai was next to hug me, squeezing me so tight i thought my eyes were going to pop out of my head. Yet he gave off a sympathetic and gentle vibe. He kissed my temple and like James, His eyes diverted from my face to my cut, he almost looked sad, but i half-smiled at him. Skip did the same as Jai and James. Eventually diverting his eyes to my cut too. 'Where's Lucy?' I asked, looking around the room. He looked away. 'Wha- What happened?' I asked confused. When i left they were so loved up. He just shook his head and sat down again, putting his head in his hands. I rubbed his back and went to Beau. He put one arm around my waist, pulling me close, and he prolonged a kiss on my cheek, being the only one yet to not to look at my cut, probably because he's already seen it. Then, i walked up to Luke. He couldn't even look at me. I hugged him and he lifted me up, kissing my neck, then burring his head into my shoulder to bring me closer to him. 'I've missed you' He whispered to me. 'I'm so sorry' he carried on. I shh'ed him and he put me down, still not being able to look at me.  I sat down next to Skip, figuring he needed the most consoling at the moment. He was sitting on the edge of the sofa, closest to the window. I put my right hand on his back and rested my head on his shoulder. He turned his head to look at me and smirked, and kissed the top of my head, then resting his head ontop of mine. I moved my hand from his back and snaked it though his arm, linking our arms. 

Sam just went to go order the Chinese, leaving me with the boys. They were being themselves, completely forgetting what happened, for my sake. We were all mucking about, playing truth or dare. 'So, Chelsea, Truth or Dare?' Skip said mischievously. I untangled myself from him so i could see his face. 'Hmm' i hummed thinking. These boys dares could be brutal, and that made me easily make up my mind. 'Truth' I confidently say. They all started laughing and looking at each other, shit. 'Who was the last person you kissed?' Blurted out James. Mine, Luke and Beau's head whipped round at James. Shit. Even though it was truth or dare, i was going to lie. 'Oh I'm a kissing virgin' I sarcastically say. 'That's not fair! This is truth, or dare. Not pick truth but decide to lie or dare!' Shouted James. I rolled my eyes. Beau was the last person i kissed, but i couldn't say that. Especially in front of Luke. Skip huffed then lightly pecked me on the lips. It was unusual and strange. That'll never be happening again. I looked at Skip and laughed. 'I guess the last person i kissed was Gremlin' I laughed. I looked around the room and James and Jai were laughing with me and Skip, but Beau and Luke were obviously putting it on. I winked at their direction and they both smiled back, thinking i winked at them. I feel so guilty for playing them like this, but i like them both as much as each other. 

The Chinese arrived and we all destroyed it. I was in the kitchen while Sam was getting to know the boys. I was glad Sam was getting to know the boys, i do think they'll get along really well when Luke and Beau stop being jealous. I was washing up when i heard the creek of the wooden floorboard of the kitchen. I looked out the window and smiled to myself, then carried on washing up. I felt two arms snake around my waist. I looked down at the arms linked around my waist and automatically knew it was Luke. I took a deep breath in, I've missed him so much. His scent, his touch, his voice. Everything. I relaxed my head backwards, hitting the tough muscle of his shoulder. He smirked and placed his head into the creek of my neck, kissing it. I had to tell him about Beau, what he's doing for me. 'Beau is staying here, to look after me.' I explained. He let go, and slowly walked backwards.  I turned around, and Luke was still close to me but he was looking to the floor. Playing with his lip ring. He look a deep breath, He took my shoulders, forcing me to face him, to look him in his chocolate coloured eyes. 'I do so much to show you i care, but its never enough. Is it?' He whispered. I felt so bad. I got closer to him and kissed him. As soon as my lips melted into his, we were both powerless. The closer he pulled me to him, the more my stomach churned with the thrill and agony of it all. His tongue traced mine. And the fire between us burned brighter, hotter, more powerful with every new touch. Every time he touched me in a new place, my arms, my neck, the small of my back, it grew more and more and powerful, with every new exploration. Yet nothing was new.

We were left breathless. And i ended up on the counter, with him between my legs. I rested my forehead against his and he was breathing heavily. His hot breath on my neck and chest. 'I'm sorry' I managed to get out. The raised his hand to the side of my face, holding it there. 'I'm staying too' He claimed. Keeping one person here was cruel enough, but keeping two was inhumane. I started to stutter. 'I- I cant do that to Gina, she needs her sons bac-' I was cut of by Luke kissing me once more. And the feeling came back, for a split second before he pulled away again. Resting his forehead on mine once more. I took in his scent. I nodded. I hope Beau wasn't expecting to sleep in my bed, because that definitely wasn't happening now. Even though i would love his security around me. I nodded slightly. Timidly agreeing. A smile plastered on his face, the first real smile i've seen since he got here. He kissed me again and i giggled.

The boys were all asleep, accept from Skip. It got so late that they just all decided to crash in my living room. I got up and skip glanced at me. I gestured to him to follow me and he did what i asked. I walked into the study and once Skip was in there with me i closed the door. 'Now spill' I whispered. 'what happened with Lucy?' I asked, concerned. 

He sighed. 'She only liked me, for the fame' he admitted, sounding defeted.

This cant be right, That means she used me to get to them. 'That cant be right- I mean- She- was my bestfr-' Skip cut me off.

'Tell me Chelsea, How many times has Lucy talked to you since she ditched you in LA?' he asked. Already knowing the answer.

I dropped my head in shame. Him and I both knew that she hasn't called at all, not once. I thought she was my best friend. I broke down into tears and Skip pulled me into for a hug before the first tear ran down my face.


It was the next day and Sam and I were getting ready to leave for the concert. We were sitting up on the racked seating, for the VIP's so i didn't get crushed. We called an Taxi and he took us there, avoiding all the traffic considering we were already late. I went up the old, wooden stairs of the venue and all i could hear was screaming girls, and faintly Jai's voice trying to hush them. I walked towards the raked seating and sat down, Sam making sure the chair was securely under me. It was a good show, and Jai saw me up stairs, looking down at the stage. He kept smiling at me and Beau and Luke were trying to see what he was seeing. The eventually realised and they both blushed like little girls. I laughed and Sam laughed with me. James noticed me too. 'Aw our little friend is here!' He says, pointing up to me. Most of the fans turned around, and they didn't know if they were talking about me or Sam. But then realised i was the girl constantly seen with the boys and they started screaming.

The show was good, especially the modeling the underwear. It came to the Q&A segment. This is the bit i was dreading most. James was first. 'How many of you have kissed Chelsea?' he read out. What a question to ask. The boys all looked at each other than at me, Then laughed. '3 of us' skip announced. 'BUT, only for dares and stuff' He cleared up. The vibe of the crowd lightened. And soon it was almost forgotten. I left for the toilet.

I was looking at myself in the mirror, and was touching up my makeup. 4 girls walked in and surrounded me. Great. 'You've kissed 3 of the boys?' They asked, sounding offended. I nodded and huffed. I pushed past them. 'SLUT' they shouted after me. I just flipped the bird at them and they gasped. The whole experience could of ended badly, and it showed on my face when i was next to Sam once more. 'What happened?' He asked, concerned and looking at my face all over, looking for new cuts. 'Nothing' I said, shaking him off. I looked at his face and he didn't believe me, but let it lye.

It was the end of the show and they were wrapping up. 'Thankyou guys for coming out tonight, we love you all!' Beau shouted. They all screamed in response. They all held hands and bowed, before the curtains drew and the lights came on. Me and Sam were escorted backstage. They were all so pumped. Jumping around and screaming. Tweeting etc. Sam walked in and they all did that manly, high five chest thing. I smiled and stood in the doorway observing my boys. Now all friends. I wanted this to last forever, it was such a happy moment. I'm going to miss them all so much when they go home. But i think it's time to say goodbye. To this pain of constantly missing someone. I think i need to let them go. I turned my back on them and walked out, down the hallway and i collapsed onto the stairs, In tears.

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