Chapter 12: Surprise

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Me and Lucy ran all the way to our room. I opened the hotel door quickly and me and Lucy bundled inside. I closed the door behind me, then i realised the bags were still outside. I opened the door and poked my head out into the hallway to check the boys weren't coming. It was clear. The hallway was empty. I walked out of the hotel door and started passing the suitcases into Lucy, Starting with hers. Suddenly, I see skip walk around the corner. Thankfully he was on his phone so didn't look up yet. I literally dived into out hotel room, styling it out with a 007 forward role and pushed Lucy out there. I hid behind the door.

'Hey, Don't i know you from somewhere?' Skip asked Lucy, with curiosity in his voice. Shit. The night we went out for dinner, i showed Skip a picture of Lucy on her 17th. Face palm.

'Er- No sorry.' Lucy said. She's always had a thing for Skip. So she must be freaking out right now.

'Oh.' said Skip disappointingly. 'Hey, how long are you in LA for? I'm guessing you're not from around here, listening to your amazing English accent'. Skip was flirting with her! This was perfect! It couldn't plan out any better.

'Im here for 5 days' Lucy giggled.

'Same, I'm here on tour!' He excitedly said.

'Oh really?' Lucy said like she already didn't know.

'Yeah, Here's my number, maybe we could go out before you go?' He suggested. 'YES!' I shouted but covered my mouth afterwards.

'Er-' Lucy coughed. 'Yeah, sure' She successfully covered up my mistake and i could relax. They exchanged numbers and Lucy brought the last few suitcases in. She came into the hotel and closed the door behind her. I stood up and i started screaming. I hugged her and we both jumped in excitement. 'I can't believe i finally met Skip!' She screamed. I shh'ed her, considering they were only next door. 

I slept for the rest of that day, and woke up at the next day at 12PM. The light was streaming through the window. I looked around, rubbing my eyes as they got used to the light. Lucy wasn't here. I looked out the window to the hotel pool and she was swimming. I decided i would join her. Well, try too anyway. I tied my hair up into a ponytail, got into my navy blue bikini, brushed my teeth and grabbed a towel. I  opened the hotel room door and poked my head out into the hallway and it was empty. I ran to the elevator and went downstairs to the pool. I threw my towel onto the nearest sun lounge and swan dived into the pond shaped pool. It was so hot all i wanted to do is to get into the water. I swam up to Lucy and we leaned against the poolside to talk.

'Did you sleep well?' She asked.

'Yeah actually, surprisingly well. I thought i would be too excited to sleep'

'You were out like a light!' We giggled. 'I went down to the gym this morning. I saw Beau' She explained. I sighed. 'You're gonna have to choose between them sooner rather than letter' She sympathetically said. I sighed and rested my arm on the pool side. 'I know, it'll be one of the difficult decisions i'll ever have to make. One of these boys could be my future for crying out loud.' Lucy nodded understandingly. 'I better go back up to the room, i don't want to get caught by them down here' I explained, trying to change the subject. It was really hot today, and as much as i wanted to stay in the pool, we had some serious shopping to do. I pushed myself up onto the pool side and started to walk towards my sun lounger when i saw Jai. He smiled at me. Like a 'Its okay they're not here' smile. I ran to him and embraced him in a hug, even though i was soaking wet. 'Chels, you couldn't of dried yourself off first' I laughed and pulled away. He was almost as soaked as i was. I giggled. 'I'm sorry okay!' He laughed and pulled me in for another warm hug. 'I've missed you so much' i mumbled into my shoulder. His hands were wrapped around my bare back, hugging me tightly.

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