Chapter 8: Back to reality

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I woke up with the familiar light streaming into my eyes. I put my hands to my waist, feeling for that familiar arm which is usually draped over it. It wasn't there. I opened my eyes and looked around seeing i wasn't in the guest room anymore. I was in my room, back in England. My heart sank and I realised i was back to reality. Back to my old life, with no excitement and usually on my own. It was 8AM and i was knackered, but i have this very annoying habit of not being able to sleep after I've woken up. I picked up my phone from my bedside table and called Lucy.

'Hello?' She answered in the first few rings, her phone was always glued to her hand.

'Hey Lucy, It's Chels' I don't know why i told her it was me, she has my number saved, maybe its stupidity from lack of sleep.

'OMG CHELS! I've missed you so much omg, i cant wait to see you later we have SO much to catch up on!' She was basically fangirling down the phone to me. I laughed at her. She always put a smile on my face, and helped me forget about the pain of leaving all the boys behind.

'I've missed you so much too! you know, my mum is in Glasgow for the night, Want to bunk and come over?' I proposed. There was a pause.

'I thought you would never ask!' She squealed. I was pleased that i wouldn't be spending the day i was hurting the most alone.

'Okay, see you in abit? we can have a P.J movie day!' I proposed starting to get excited myself.

'Yeah definitely! I'll bring icecream and dairy milk! See you in abit!' I could hear Lucy running about in the background, I smirked and hung up. I love it when Lucy comes over for movie days, i don't have to get dressed or anything, we could look like complete shit and no one would care.


I opened the door and before it was even fully open Lucy pushed the door open fully and wrapped her arms around my neck, almost knocking me off my feet. I wrapped my arms around her back and we both squealed. She squeezed me and i squeezed her back. I pulled away from the hug and she smiled at me. 'Okay go put the icecream in the freezer and I'll put a film on!' I think i was as finally as excited as her. We probably don't watch any of the movies, we'll be too busy talking.

Me and Lucy were curled up on the sofa, top and tail like me and Skip were on my last night. I told her everything about what happened in Australia, and by everything, i mean everything i told my mum plus the bits i left out.

'Oh my god, Chels, You are officially a super slut' She said trying to be deadly serious. I kicked her playfully.

'Shut up am I!' I shouted. We both giggled.

'So you had sex with Luke, Almost had sex with Beau AND ontop of everything else you have a sex life guard after you too? I love Melbourne i really do' She sounded astonished.

'Well I'm sorry I'm just so utterly irresistible' I pouted and Lucy laughed.

'Plus ontop of all of that, you have Bradley!' Lucy has never agreeded with me dating Bradley, i never told her he hit me, but she sensed something wasn't right.

'Well actually, i went out with Ariana and she convinced me that it was the right thing to do to dump him, after everything that happened' I quickly covered my mouth. She didn't know Bradley was hitting me. I couldn't lie to her either, she would see straight through me.

'What happened?' she asked curiously.

'Well, he hit me, serverly. And Ariana convinced me that he's never gonna stop, only carry on hitting me' I admitted. I was ashamed.

A Life of a Janoskian girl [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now