Chapter 10: Let me get away with it

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Luke POV:

I looked at Chelsea Twitter and i saw she was with another guy round London today. I looked at the picture of them together. I recognized this boy. Who was he? And how did he know Chels? His name was on the tip of my tongue. I lye on my bed rubbing my forehead trying to rattle my brain to who this boy is. James interrupted my deep thought. He jumped on my bed next to me and looked at the computer screen. He looked pretty confused. 'James, Who is this guy?' If i recognized him maybe James would too?

'Yeah, He was the guy Chels met on the beach' He explained. It finally clicked. Of course it was! What was he doing in London? He only met her once. I can't lose her emotionally as aswell as physically. I had to speak to her.

Chelsea POV:

I slammed the front door hard behind me. I cant believe he would even try and make a move, but he doesn't know any better. I turned the lights on and looked around. Everyone was gone and they cleared up for me, which i was really grateful for. I went into the kitchen to make a drink. I opened the fridge but then i heard a suspicious noise coming from the living room. Something wasn't right, i could feel it. I slowly went by the back door and grabbed the baseball bat my older brother brought me when i was thinking to getting into baseball, but i never did. I walked into the living room, gripping the bat tightly. I flipped the switch on and my belly dropped. It was Bradley. 'What the fuck are you doing in my house?' i demanded to know. He laughed and it made my skin crawl. 'You didn't really think i would let you dump me and get away with it? did you?' He was smirking and my heart was racing, but i asked like he didn't faze me. 'I'm going to enjoy this' he stated before walking towards me. I started panicking. I cant run, he'll only catch me, especially as he's expecting it. I had an idea. I let him get close enough before i kicked him in the balls as hard as i could, then hit him round the head with the baseball bat. It didn't knock him out, but it brought me some time. I picked up my phone on the way to the front door. I was shaking. I eventually opened the door and ran as fast as i could. Holding my skirt up so i could run faster. I didn't hear him come after me. But i still carried on running. I ran straight to Lucy's, which is a 30 minute walk so about a 20 minute non-stop run.

I banged on the door, non-stop until my fist started hurting. No answer. I had no idea where she was. I was screwed, I couldn't go home. Not tonight,  Not by myself. There was only one person i could call who doesn't know him.

Rob opened his hotel door to me. We hadn't said a word since he picked me up. I was incredibly grateful for what he was doing but i couldn't help but feel like he hated me. While waiting for him it started raining, so i was soaked. He gave me a massive top to wear and i got changed in the bathroom. I tied my hair up with a hair band i thankfully already had on my wrist and walked out. He didn't even acknowledge me. I stood by the bed on the side he was lying on. He stood up and stood facing me. We stood like that for a while, in silence. I finally made the first move and wrapped my arms around his neck. I hugged him tightly, burring my head into his shoulder. I eventually felt his arms wrap around me. 'I'm sorry' I mumbled into his t-shirt. 'Now just, isn't the right time'. I wasn't exactly lying, it is a bad time. I was just leaving out i had two other Australian hunks on my mind 24/7 and i didn't need another. I felt him nod. 

We were chilling on his bed, I was almost asleep under the covers of his double bed and he was ontop of the covers, reading some book. 'Why couldn't you stay at your house tonight?' He asked curiously. 'Oh, well erm-' well is there any excuse for not being able to stay in your own home apart from the truth? 'Theres a flod' I tried to cover my tracks, it must of worked because he didn't say anything else.

I woke up and it was 11AM. I was late for school. Shit. Thankfully my clothes were dry from last night, and Rob was no where to be seen, so i quickly put my clothes on from yesterday and put on one of his plain grey jumpers and left. I wasn't prepared to go home, which means i couldn't go to school. I walked to the school anyway, and waited outside for 3 hours. I wasn't going to go home by myself, Im getting Sam to come with me. After a long 3 hours, i saw Sam out of school. I quickly ran up to him, holding my Maxi-skirt up by my knees. Sam didn't see me and he started walking off, but i caught up with him. 'Sam, i need you to come with me' i simply said while pulling his arm in the direction to my house. He looked confused and was fighting my pull, which wasn't exaclty hard. 'Please, i'll explain on the way i promise'. He finally let me pull him to my house.

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