Start of the new sequel! Make sure you read it!

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I entered the room through the pure white door frame. I leaned against it, crossing my arms across my enlarged chest. I watched the activity taking place in the room before be, trying to be undiscovered. As i watched on, a smile planted across my face unwillingly. Luke was singing some lullaby he created for our daughter, Lena. Her eyes slowly started to drop, using all her might to keep them open.

Luke was sitting on a pink stool next to her cradle. Playing his guitar softly and singing to her even softer. 4 month year old Lena, lye in her pink with white frill cradle. Her room was a pastel pink, with all different kinds of cartoon animals plastered on the walls. Everything was colour coordinated. Luke insisted, nothing was too good for his little girl. The little girl we created together.

Lena finally let the tiredness overcome her, as her eyelids fell over her eyes and stayed there. Luke carried on singing to her for a couple more minutes, while i still stood in the door way, undetected. He finally stopped, and put his guitar down in the corner of Lena's room. He crouched down next to her cradle. He softly started stroking her newly grown hair. "You know, I'd never let anybody hurt you. You and mummy are my life now" He whispered softly, being careful not to wake her up. He got up and kissed her forehead before turning around to exit the room. He saw me standing here and a guilty smile grew across his face.

"How long were you standing there?" He asked, still whispering as he walked closer to me. 

"Long enough" I replied, smiling sweetly at him. He took my waist and pulled me into him. I rested my head on his chest. I listened to the stead beat of his heart. 

"This is perfect." I whispered. He carefully grabbed my chin, leading it up to his face until our lips met. It was a kiss we had shared many times, yet it still managed to give me butterflies.

To read more, Go onto 'No matter how good the day is, it always has to end' fanfic on my page! Its the sequal to this Fanfic! Thankyou and make sure you read, vote and comment!

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