Chapter 6: A turn of events

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Even though it was the morning, me and Luke still fell asleep until noon. He had his arm draped around my waist and he was pulling me close. I open my eyes and see clothes scattered all over the room. I took a closer look and they were MY clothes. Memories about what happened only a few hours ago came flooding into my head and a smile unwillingly spread across my face. I turned to look at Luke and his face was buried into his pillow. I smiled and slowly removed his hand from my waist, carefully, as i didn't want to disturb him. One particular memory from earlier was stuck in my mind. I grabbed Luke's shirt and pulled it on over my head. I tiptoed to the en-suite bathroom and looked into the mirror, I gasped. I moved my hair away from my right shoulder and onto my left. I leaned closer to the mirror to see if it was true. I have love bites all along my right collar bone and shoulder; all the way down the right side of my neck too. There was loads of them, at least 10 or 11. I ran back into the bedroom where Luke was still sleeping and jumped onto the bed next to him. He still didn't wake up. I shook him a few times and his eyes opened.

'Look what you did!' I pulled down the shoulder of the top and showed him the love bites he left. He chuckled and sat up. 'Its one way you'll remember me when you leave tomorrow' I tried to stop myself from laughing. He kissed me on my nose. 'My mum is gonna see these!' I playfully hit him and he wrapped his arms round me and pulled me on top of him. I kissed his jawline and wriggled free. 'I'm going to have a shower' i said while walking off. 'Can i join?' He asked cheekily. I laughed and turned the shower on. I didn't feel like i needed to close the door, for some odd reason. so i just got undressed and hopped in.


It was around 12PM when i got an unexpected text. It was from Robert, The lifeguard. 'Hey Chelsea, Just wondered if you were busy today? text me back asap- Robert x'.

'Hey Robert, no I'm not busy at all, meet you in Melbourne High street at Starbucks in 10?x' Almost instantly, i got a reply.

'Sure, see you then :* x'

'LUKE!' I shouted. 'I'm going out!' quickly, before he asked me where, left through the front door. I vaguely know where i'm going now, but not very well. I walked to Melbourne High street and it took me twice as long to meet Robert as it should have.

'Hey' He said greeting me with a kiss on the cheek.

'Hi' i replied sweetly.

Surprisingly, me and Robert got on like a house on fire. We shared the same interests so it was easy to talk to him. The hard part was paying attention as you can easily get lost in his eyes. 'So when are you leaving for London?' He asks. A placed a false smile on my face. 'Tomorrow evening' I admitted. 'But that's so soon' He actually sounded sad. 'I only met you a few days ago, i haven't even had a chance to get to know you yet' Robert looked on the table where my hand was resting. He placed his hand on top of mine. I had to catch my breath. For some reason, i felt like i was cheating on Luke, Which i wasn't because apart from the physical side of our relationship, he has shown no interest in me. I looked up to Rob's face from staring at his hand touching mine. I smiled and he smiled back.

Rob insisted that he drive me home, which i didn't object too because i would probably get lost again and have to call Luke. We were singing together to the radio. It was like we had known each other for a while, and this is our thing. Rob pulled up to the pavement outside the Brooks'. He turned the engine off. 'So, do you know when you'll be coming back?' He asked, he had an innocents to his voice. 'Not for a while' I reluctantly admitted. He looked to the floor of his car. 'You're always welcome in London, You know, if you just casually happen to swim by some time' I sarcastically said. He laughed and lent over to hug me. I hugged him back and he kissed me on the cheek. 'I'll miss your accent, Londoner' He pulled away from the hug and winked at me. I laughed and got out the car, Waving until he was out of sight.

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