Chapter 15: Get on that plane

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I stood up. At first i wobbled and thought i was gonna have to jump into the water to style out falling. But i regained my balance and slid down the other side of the rock. Leaving Luke on one side of the pool and me the other. I walked along the pool side and Luke mirrored my actions. I stood still, i was trying to plan an escape route. I made a run for it, and Luke cut me off in my tracks was i was about to get to the door. He smiled and started walking towards me. I walked backwards and i was close to the pool edge. Suddenly, Luke pushed me in. Fully clothed. What a way to show that he's sorry. I came back to the surface of the water and i was majorly pissed off. Luke jumped in after me. 'I cant believe you just di-' Luke cut off the end of my sentence by gently pushing his lips to mine. I'd missed this so much. One of my hands made its was round the back of Luke's neck, gripping onto his hair, and my other hand cupped his face. 'Chels' Luke said breaking away from the kiss, but not letting go of me. 'I'm sorry'  he said gently. I didn't react. He knew what she was waiting for. 'And you told me to come and find you once i find out what this is' he played my words back to me. 'Well, im here aren't I?' That wasn't enough, I wanted him to say it. 'Chelsea' He said while turning my cheek so i faced him. 'I love you' He said confidently, but quietly. I blushed. 'That's all well and good, but that doesn't answer my question, What are we?' I asked again, coldy. He smiled. 'Chelsea, will you go on another date with me?' He asked. It wasn't quite what i was looking for, but it was a step in the right direction. 'How does a movie sound? any one you like' He said, trying to score brownie points. I raised an eyebrow. 'Anything?' I say mischievously. He nodded. I was going to make him go and watch the girliest thing on.

 I ran up to my room, only having 2 hours to get ready and i was soaked through from when Luke pushed me into the water. Lucy was no where to be seen, But she'll be with Skip so I'm not worried. I wasn't going to put in a huge effort. I quickly washed my hair and curled it, only putting a thin layer of makeup on. I rummaged through my new clothes and picked out a white lacey crop top, demin shorts, white converse and a navy Gilly Hicks zipper jumper. The hours went quickly, yet slowly at the same time. We got outside and the car was waiting for us, the fan were in their usual spot. I didn't fancy saying hi to them now, maybe when i come back. We walked into the cinema and it looked just like the ones at home. Luke gave me some money and i went up to the desk. 'Hey, can i have 2 tickets for Beautiful Creatures?' I asked. She happily gave me tickets and i exchanged them for the money Luke gave me. I walked back over to him and i couldn't help but smile. As soon as i was close enough he threw his arm over my shoulders. We walked towards the popcorn counter so we could get some food. 'So, what are we watching?' He asked curiously, looking over my shoulder trying to get a glimpse of the tickets. I held them close to my chest, hiding them from him. A guy in the queue next to me was checking me out, completely ignoring Luke's arm over my shoulder. Luke was glaring at him and this went on for about 5 minutes. Luke's arm tightened around my shoulder before he finally said something. 'Dude, shes my girl, stop looking at her with your dirty eyes.' He said bluntly. The guy automatically broke all eye contact and looked straight on. I smirked and playfully hit his chest. He lent down and kissed me on my temple.

I made sure Luke still didn't know what we were seeing, and he started to get impatient. We sat down in the movie theatre and waited for the adverts to start. I didn't fancy popcorn, so Luke brought me some Ben and Jerry's cookie dough without even having to ask him. That's what i loved about him, he knew me so well. I sat down into the huge movie seat and Luke sat in the seat next to me. There was no arm rest so i could comfortably tuck myself under Luke's arm and rest my head on his shoulder. The adverts started and the lights dimmed abit. 'Are you gonna tell me what we're watching?' He whispered into my ear, followed by a kiss on the cheek. I figured he might as well know. 'Beautiful Creatures' I whispered back. I felt him sigh and i giggled. 'Isn't that the movie of the books i brought you when you came to Melbourne?' He asked. Of course it was. I nodded and he chuckled.

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