Chapter 9: London

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I stood in the doorway in shock. Rob half-smiled at me, probably in doubt and trying to reassure himself that coming here was a good idea. 'Who is it Chels?' Shouted Sam concerned. 'It's just a-' I looked at Rob. 'a Friend. I'll be back in ina second' I shouted back, trying to sound as convincing as i could. I stepped out the door and pulled the front door to, so it would block out most of our conversation to the guys. 

'Rob, What- What are you doing here?' I hoped to god that he wouldn't reply with 'to see you' or something cheesy like that. I've only meant the guy twice for gods sake.

'Well, I came over to train some lifeguards and when i realised that i wasn't far from the address you gaved me to write to you. So, i thought i would' He smirked. '-Come say hi'. There was serious for a few seconds, and we both burst out laughing. I wrapped my arms round his neck and hugged him. He picked me up off the floor, so my feet were dangling. I squealed and he laughed. He put me down but trailed his arms down my bare shoulders. He went to go hold my hands but i quickly moved them. I already have to choose from 2 boys on the other side of the world, I didn't want to make it 3. But he was so good looking, it was killing me. 'So, you busy tomorrow?' He quickly carried on. 'nope, its a teacher training day at school' i explained. It must be difficult for him to think of me at school, as he finished almost a year ago. 'Cool, the lifeguard training people gave me a car to get around in so i'll pick you up at 12?' I nodded and smiled. He kissed me on the cheek and walked back to his car parked at the end of my driveway. I lent against the doorway and watched him until he drove off.

I walked back into the living room and everything was exactly the same before i left. I was so hungry. 'When did you order the curry, Sam?' I asked while grabbing a handful of popcorn. 'Like, 20 minutes ago. It should be here soon' He explained. I love Sam so much, he's like my older brother. He was sitting on the other sofa, i got up and jumped next to Sam. He automatically put his arm round me and i curled up next to him. He was my guy-best friend. Even though everyone thought we should date, i seriously couldn't do it, it's not that he's ugly or anything, it would just be too weird. We sat like that for a while, i liked the feeling of protection, which he definitely provided. I saw a flash from a camera in the corner of my eye. It was Faye, who always used to edge me on to go out with Sam, but it never worked. I tried to pull a serious 'don't piss me off' look but i couldn't, and buried my head into Sam's chest and laughed. A few minutes later i check my twitter and i saw Faye tweeted the picture of me and Sam and tweeted 'Aw love birds @ChelsSmith and @S4MMIE, Aren't they the cutest?' I laughed and RT'ed it. After i did i expected hate from the Janoskians fans, but i didn't get any at all which was good.

Soon after the curry arrived and i ran to the door to collect it, while Victoria collected the money. We got just about enough and i handed it over. I put the curry in the kitchen and started getting plates and cutlery out. We were all sitting around my kitchen with a plate of curry and a beer, having the best time of our life's with the simplest of things. That's when i realised. I do belong here, if i stayed in Australia i would be missing out on all of this, which i loved to the bottom of my heart. i loved them all so much. 

Beau's POV:

The whole house was miserable without Chelsea here. The life and spirit had just, well disappeared. I was strolling through twitter on my laptop and decided to see what Chelsea had been up to since she got home. I mean, that's not weird, right? I'm only checking up on her after all. At the top of the time line, was a picture of a guy and his arm round Chelsea. She looked pretty comfortable and peaceful. My heart sank. She's gone home to her normal life and acted like nothing had happened. I couldn't blame her though, i haven't spoken to her since she left, i just don't know what to say. Luke entered the room and sat on the sofa next to me. 'Yo, what you looking at?' He looked over my shoulder and saw the picture. He screwed his face up and sighed. I think he was trying to act like he didn't care, but i can guarantee that he is hurting right now. Luke had only spoken to Chels once since she left, so he doesn't have the right to be angry at her. She probably think neither of us were interested. Which is definitely not the case.

Luke's POV:

I got up from the sofa, to get as far away from that picture as i could. She told me about Sam, Hoe he was the perfect looking, Rugby player, Sweetly cute type. Which means a tweet on twitter wouldn't be enough to win her back. I would have to do something unpredictable and surprising, but what? 

Chelsea's POV:

I woke up with a slight headache, but nothing a few paracetamols cant fix. Everyone was still sleeping and i didn't want to disturb them, so i carefully tiptoed out the living room. I went to the bathroom and sorted myself out, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair etc. I sat in the kitchen and made myself some breakfast. Pop tarts are the way to go in life. I was sitting on the counter and i looked at the time. You've got to be serious. It was 11:45. How was i going to get ready in 15 minutes?! I upstairs, tackling two stairs at a time. I quickly picked out a white lacy crop top and a long maxi skirt which had a pattern of blue and white flowers. My hair was naturally wavy anyway so i didn't have to curl it which i was thankful for. I ran into the living room and jumped on Lucy. She almost sd but i put my hand over her mouth to stop her. 'Rob is her, in London, and he's taking me out in 5 minutes. Help me' I pleaded while my hand was still over her mouth. Her eyes opened wide and she pushed me off her. 'What is he doing here?' she demanded while whispering. 'He's here for some training thing, help me please!' i whispered. She grabbed my hand and quickly pulled me upstairs into my room. She put a thin layer of bronzer along my jaw line and cheek bones followed by mascara, eyeliner and a pink blusher. As soon as she finished the door went. I stood up and quickly put my gladiator shoes on. Thankgod Ariana brought me all of these clothes, Shes seriously a saint. I hugged Lucy and went downstairs, holding up my long skirt so i didn't trip over it. I had a quick glimpse into the living room and no one had even moved. I carried onto the door and there stood Rob in the same position he stood 13 hours ago. 'Ready?' He asked. I took and deep breathe in nodded. He offered me his hand and i took it, which i'll probably regret later.

We were driving about, but it occurred to me i didn't know where. 'Rob, where are we going?' i asked curiously. 'Well i thought we could go into central London' he explained. 'You can show me about'. I thought that was a pretty good idea, considering i knew London like the back of my hand, or a bottom of an icecream pot. 

Today was a pretty hot day, for London anyway. Rob was walking around with his jumper on while other guys were walking around in Tank tops and shorts. He had his arm draped over my shoulders, i should of minded but i didn't because i had my arm round his waist. I decided it was time for a change. I had been taking him places along the Thames in central London. Houses of Parliament, Globe theatre, London eye etc. I decided to take him to London Dungeons. I've been to that place so many times i could point to where and when they were gonna jump out. We went round and Rob tried to comfort me, like i was actually scared. I could feel him jump every now and again which made me smirk, alot. He has trying so hard to impress me. Believe it or not, i had about 5 different Janoskian fans come up to me and ask for my picture. Was i some sort of celebrity now? it made me feel happy when i saw how happy they were once they got a picture with me.

It was getting towards the end of the day and me and Rob took many selfies and posted them on twitter. It was cute, he took pictures of buildings and everything there is to see, he looked like a right tourist and it made me laugh. It was so sweet. Rob was into photography, and he took some really nice photos of me walking around London, which i didn't think was possible but it obviously was some how. 

It was getting late and Rob drove me home. We slowly walked up my driveway, Rob thought i couldn't see him but i could, he was staring at me, out of the corner of his eye. One we reached my door way, he grabbed both of my hands and i turned to face him. He couldn't look me in the eye, for some strange reason. But i quickly realised what that reason was when he leaned into kiss me. I wanted to kiss him so bad, but i pulled away. I cant have a 3rd person in this situation. Especially when they all live in Australia. I smiled at him and put the key in my front door and left without another word.


Sorry it wasn't such a big update today! I've been busy revising so i didn't have much time to post, it'll be a much longer one tomorrow!

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