Chapter 23: I can see a Rainbow.

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Im so so so so so sorry i haven't updated in so long! I've been so busy with my GCSE's! But now I'm back and will be updating alot more! I'm also planning on starting a whole new fan fiction! So look out for that!


Me and Luke reached home, Still hand in hand as we walked up to the door. I let go of Luke's hand and instantly felt an absence of warmth. I swung the door open and Luke bundled me through the door. I wobbled and braced myself as i was about to hit the floor. I suddenly felt a strong, warm arm slip round my waist, catching me itches away from the floor. I opened my eyes and saw Beau, hanging over me, close to my face. Too close. His hot breath skipped across my cold cheeks as he stared into my eyes. Luke broke off the trance by pulling me up to my feet, out of Beau's arms.

"So" Beau said. "Ready to paint your room?" he said, with a slight bit of excitement to his voice. 

I smiled and nodded. "Lets get started then!" Beau and Luke said simultaneously. I giggled and jumped onto Beau's back. He automatically wrapped his hands around my bare legs. I slipped my hands around his neck and intertwined my fingers. Whenever mine and Beau's bare skin touches, it sends little bolts of electricity through my body. Beau lightly kicked my bedroom door open and carried me through the door effortlessly on his back. While Luke trailed after us. I jumped off Beau's back once in my room and looked around. The walls had changed from a boring light brown to a pure white. All my furniture had been moved out of my room and all that was left was a plastic sheet on the carpet and all different coloured paints in the centre of the room. I stood in the middle of Luke and Beau; I looked up to them both and smiled with excitement. I went into my walk in wardrobe and closed the door behind me to get changed into some old clothes. 

A few moments later i opened the wardrobe door in a pair of grey tracksuit bottoms which sat dangerously low on my hips, and a white crop top which showed off my flat stomach. Luke and Beau already started opening up the gallons of multi-coloured paints. "So, how do you want this thing?" Luke asked, referring to the walls. I shrugged. "Let your imagination run wild" i replied. An evil smile creeped on Beau's face. I knew exactly what he was thinking. "No Dicks, o9r anything rude i wouldn't want on my bedroom walls..." i added. The smile disappeared and i giggled. 

A few hours later, and we were all lying on my bedroom floor, admiring our creation. There was splashes of colour everywhere. But of course, Luke and Beau added their own personal touches. Beau wrote his name in big letters in black, ontop of splattered colours of the rainbow. Luke painted a big heart, coloured in neatly will all different colours, which i thought was cute. Above my bed, I wrote my favourite quote. 

"Childhood is not from birth to an certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where no body dies."

"we did a good job" Stated Luke, sitting up and looking around. I rolled onto my side, tucking myself under Beau's arm, who was lying next to me. "We did" i said into Beau's chest. He squeezed me and i shuffled in closer to his body. Everything was perfect until i felt something that felt like rain splatter me. I opened my eyes to see little red dots all over me. I gasped and looked over at Luke. And he stood there, looking guilty as ever, with a paint brush in his hand, covered in red paint. 

I smirked. I picked up a whole gallon of orange paint that was hardly used, as i hate the colour orange. I stood up and casually walked up to Luke. "You wouldn't dare" he said with an unsure tone in his voice. I smirked even more and casually tipped the gallon of paint over his head. I watched as Luke just stood there, with orange paint running down his body from the top of his head. I was in stitches. I was laughing so hard my belly started to hurt. But that laughter was cut of short when i felt a gooey substance run down my back. I gasped and turned around to see Beau with an half empty tin of Blue paint. I let out a scream and went to go pick up more paint when Luke grabbed me from behind, wiping all the orange paint all over me. I screamed playfully while laughing. Beau ran over to me with more paint and as soon as he tried to throw the yellow paint all over me, i slipped through Luke's arms onto the floor, and Luke got a face full of paint. I hit the floor with laughter while Luke stood there, his face blue. 

"Why so blue?" Beau asked Luke. Both me and Beau snickered like school children. But Luke didn't seem so impressed. The tension was building between Luke and Beau. So i decided it was my turn, and threw pink paint over the front of Beau and Luke. They both snapped their heads to face me, and this started a paint war. 

After a long 2 hours, there was more paint on us then the walls. But our clothes looked pretty cool now. We all lied on the floor, completely out of breath. It was silent, apart from our quick, even breathing. "Thanks guys, for doing this for me" i said, breaking the silence. "Thanks for letting us do it, Chels. It's been the best day ever" Beau admitted. I laughed lightly to myself. "I think it's time for a selfie" Luke stated, unsurprisingly. We all got into the camera view infront of Luke's iPhone. He snapped a picture of me, Luke and Beau. Me squished in the middle of Luke and Beau, us all cheek to cheek. It was a cute photo, we were all covered in paint and our smiles were real and glowing. I wished i could live within this moment.

It was 11 o'clock and time to start getting ready for bed. I was taking the day off school tomorrow to see the boys off to Australia. I just stepped out of the shower and was drying off when i realised what i had to do, with Beau and Luke. I've decided it's not fair to keep stringing them along all the time. I got changed into a vest top and P.J shorts and went to go find Luke. I walked out of my now very colourful bedroom and i could see Beau was gone to the world. He was in a very deep sleep, snoring slightly. As i got closer to the living room, i saw Luke's bed was empty, and it hadn't been slept in. Confused, i walked into the kitchen, to see Luke looking out to the night sky. I walked up to Luke, and wrapped myself around him, he wrapped his arms around me, and no matter how many times a day he would hug me like this, it never got old. His touch would always give me butterflies. 

"Luke, I-" i needed to tell him, something i know i would imminently regret.

I broke free of his arms. He started to look worried.

"Luke" i breathed. "Whatever this is, i think it should end." I blurted out.

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