Chapter 27- Part one: All I want for Christmas, is you

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It had been two days since Robert kissed me, and i hadn't heard from him since. Neither had i spoken to Luke. The boys slept round again last night and i didn't get a wink of sleep until 5AM. I stretched my arms and legs, It felt good considering i was curled up in a ball all night. I yawned and checked the time. 10AM. I was still recovering from jetlagg, so right now i would be in the middle of a deep sleep, which i was definitely feeling like having, yet i can't sleep during the day. Lucky me. I crawled out of bed, only in Luke's shirt he gave me when i last was in Australia, and a pair of knickers. I reckoned it was safe to go out and get some breakfast, as everyone was probably still asleep. I tiptoed down the stairs and into the kitchen, Closing the door lightly behind me, being careful not to make a sound. I sighed with relief as i closed it without making a loud sound or to knock anything over, which was surprising considering how clumsy i was. 

I heard a cough behind me and jumped, slamming my back onto the door. It was Luke. I didn't know what to do. He gave me a half smile, which was sort of reassuring. Well, at least he didn't hate me and want me out. I slowly carried on walking into the kitchen, doing my best to avoid awkward eye contact with him. I tried to reach up to the top cupboard for the cereal, however being 5'3, I wasn't going to reach it any time soon. I strong hand stroked my shoulder, and i almost melted under it. 

"It's okay, Midget. I'll get it" Luke whispered. His hot breath brushed across my cheek and it made me weak at the knee's. I blushed and nodded eagerly. He easily reached up and brought down some Cheerios. I smiled at him gratefully and he walked away. 

"Nice underwear by the way" he said, over his shoulder. I spun my head to look at him in shock. Well that escalated quickly. He carried on buttering his toast, like he didn't say anything. He must of saw them while i was reaching up for the cereal. Luke's trusty shirt wasn't so trusty anymore. 

"I would of thought you would of liked the shirt" I said, trying to make conversation. He chuckled. I looked over my shoulder to see that he was still doing his thing, so i did the same. I started to pour my cereal in a bowl. 

"Last time i saw that shirt was on your bedroom floor" He said, carelessly. I chocked on a mouthful of cereal. I turned to face him and he was looking at me, probably because i was almost dying. He had an vibrant red in his cheeks and i giggled. He started to relax abit. What was i doing? I do love him yes, but i will not be the other girl, in his relationship. I spun round again to face the counter. Completely blocking out the last few minutes. 

"So, Alaska, Hey? What an... Interesting choice" I said, obviously making a dig at her. He didn't reply. However a few minutes later, he started the conversation up again.

"It's Alaska's birthday on the 27th and she's having a huge party in a night club" He started. 

"As much as i don't care, i don't fancy standing here listening to you talk about how rich Alaska is, thanks though" I snapped at him. He carried on his conversation after a quiet sigh.

"All the boys are coming and if you're still here i suppose you could come. As Skip is" He said. I nodded, hoping he was still looking at me. 

"I'll consider it." I said bluntly. The fact is, there's nothing to consider. I was going, and i was going to dress stunningly and blow Luke's mind. Well, that's the plan anyway. 

It was Christmas eve in the Sahyoune house hold. I was curled up to Skip on the sofa while is Dad was watching Next Top Model on TV. He suddenly just bursted into a fit of anger.

"Fucking cock suckers" He mumbled under his breath. I looked at Skip, confused and he chuckled quietly.

"Whose a cock sucker?" He asked, trying not to burst into fits of laughter.

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