Chapter 17: Scarred

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I heard the familiar beep of a machine waking up. But the only thing familiar about it, is that i hear it on hospital programmes. My eyes came into focus. I looked around and Sam was holding one of my hands, asleep. I looked at my remaining hand, holding it up to my face. There was a drip in it and a plaster type thing with a red light around my index finger. I was so confused. I started crying, my breathing getting heavier. As soon as i started crying, Sam's head snapped up. 'Shh Chelsea, its okay' He said stroking my face. I was still confused. Where was i? how did i get here? I still carried on crying. 'Are you in pain?' He asked, still stroking my face. Suddenly, pain that i've been ignoring crashed into my head like a wave. I nodded slightly, but it felt like a volcano erupted inside my head. Sam kissed my hand he still had a hold of and went to go find a doctor. I looked around, pulling myself together. I was in hospital, that's one thing i was sure of, but that's it. Sam came running back into the room and turned the main light on. It look my eyes awhile to adjust but when they finally did, i noticed that Sam had multiple cuts on his face, a black eye and a wrapped up hand. He sat down where he could of already sat for hours, or days on end, and took my hand again. I looked at his face, hard. I lifted my hand to his face and ran my thumb over the cuts. The doctor walked in, and all my attention was on him. 'right, Chelsea.' He started. 'I'm going to ask you a series of questions okay' I nodded. 

'Do you know where you are?' I nodded. That was the only thing i was certain of.

'Do you know what day it is?' I shook my head, signaling no.

'Do you know what happened?' He asked sympathetically. I looked at Sam then back at the doctor. I shook my head, feeling guilty for what ever happened.

He wrote down a few things and gave me some painkillers, which slightly helped. He turned to Sam. 'I'll leave you to answer her questions' He says. Sam nodded and the doctor walked out. What do i ask? where do i start?

'How long have i been out?' Asking after a few minutes if silence. 

'3 Days' he answered simply. He must of knew what my next question was going to be.

'What happened?' I asked. I didn't want to know the answer, but i couldn't not know the reason I'm in a hospital bed.

'Well, You came back from your football tournament' I remember that part. 'And Bradley was waiting for you, when he attacked you, and tried to drag you into the car by your hair. You called out to me and i ran out to you and you said something to him and he got angry. He threw you on to the pavement and you hit your head on the curb which knocked you out. Then he tried to beat me up, getting a couple of good hits but not good enough' He smirked. 'And he just, drove off. I picked you up and carried you to the living room where i put you on the sofa, and called an ambulance'. I still dont remember this at all. But it sounded horrific so i was glad i didn't. It didn't take away my guilt. 'Your phone has been going like crazy. No one has heard from you in 4 days. Beau and Luke called multiple times' He said. 'I've answered a few of their calls, just to keep them updated. Beau was gonna come over, but i convinced him you'll be okay' He said while taking my hand again. I ran my free hand over my forehead, to feel a white plaster on the left side of my forehead. I flinched as it hurt at the slightest of touch.

I was discharged from hospital that day. When we pulled up in the taxi and Sam carried me out of the taxi and inside. He took me straight to my room and put me into bed. It was good to be in my own bed again, the covers were soft and comforting against my skin. I drifted off to sleep almost instantly. 

I woke up late afternoon the next day. I slowly got up and opened the door opposite to my bed which lead to my bathroom. I had a shower, which i defiantly needed as i hadn't showered in 4 days and i had a football tournament before too. It was so refreshing and helped me remember what happened that night. The memories didn't come flooding back but they came back in bits and pieces. I dried myself off and walked out of the bathroom to the walk-in-wardrobe to the right of the bathroom. I didn't feel like dressing up today at all, so just put a vest top and a pair of grey shorts on. I walked out of my room, and i could see Sam sitting on the sofa from where u was standing. I slowly walked into the living room and Sam jumped up. 'Chels, what are you doing up? You need to rest!' Sam said, encouraging me back into bed, which i wasn't complaining about.

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