Chapter 14: Seeking forgiveness

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Chelsea's POV:

I opened my hotel room door and carefully shut it behind me. As quiet and i tried to be, I still heard Lucy running towards me, then she finally appeared around the corner. 'Well?! What happened?' She demanded, before i even had a chance to get in. I looked at her, guilty. She gasped, like she was trying to catch her breath. I started blushing. I walked past her to get to my suitcase. 

'Chels, how are you gonna choose now?' she asked, following me through. I shrugged my shoulders as i started to get undressed. Me and Lucy would comfortably get changed in front of each other, we don't care. 

'Well Luke is picking you up in  4 hours for a date' My stomach dropped. 'He asked me to empathise 'date''. I started panicking. 

'Does he know where i was last night?' I gulped. She shook her head and i let out a sigh of relief. 

'Well 4 hours is a long time, fancy fitting in some shopping?' I suggested.

She nodded. 'Only if you tell me all the details from last night' I rolled my eyes and laughed. 


As we didn't have to pay for the flights over here, we had alot of money of our own to spend. We went to so many stores and they had the most beautiful clothes. We stopped off at Starbucks. We got out drinks and sunk into the sofa upstairs. That's one thing i love about Starbucks, they have sofa's. We dumped out shopping bags by out feet and relaxed. 'So, where did you and Skip disappear to yesterday?' I asked while nudging her arm and raising my eyebrows. She giggled and blushed.

'We just went about...' She said unsure. 

'I told you everything that happened last night! Its your turn!' I demanded. She finally gave in after some persuading. Skip persuaded her to go for a walk around the pool area, which means they were only a few feet away from us the whole time. They talked and got to know each other better and finally, Skip kissed her before she went back to the room. I squealed. 'You kissed? oh my god that's as much as i could of ever asked for! This is perfect!' Lucy laughed and shh'ed me. I knew they would hit it off. Especially when i showed Skip that picture of her and he basically dropped me in shock. 'And we're going out tonight, that's why i asked Luke to take you out' She admitted, not thinking about what she was saying. 'Oh' I said. The only reason Luke asked me on a date is because Lucy asked him too. The butterflies i've been feeling all day had disappeared and was replaced by a stabbing sensation. Lucy could tell what i was thinking. 'Oh no, you have me all wrong. I asked him to take you out and he decided to make it a date' She explained. I didn't believe her, but i pretended like i did. I forced a smile and she relaxed. 'What time is lover boy coming to pick you up?' I asked, teasing. 'A few minutes after Luke comes to pick you up' She said casually. I know she was fighting the urge to fangirl. I giggled.

We bundled through the hotel room door, and we threw all our bags on my bed. Then collapsed on Lucy's bed. I turned my head to look at her, she was facing the ceiling with her eyes closed. 'You gonna help me get ready later?' I asked. 'Yup' She simply answered. She got up and started rummaging through my newly brought clothes and picked out a crop top and a high waisted skirt. (look at multimedia for actual outfit). It was very cute, and she picked out my white converses for once instead of heels, thankfully. My feet need a rest from heels. I was excited for Mine and Luke's Date. Its finally the step i was looking for, and this time it was in the right direction. The thing about Luke, he would do something that made me think he really liked me, then completely ruin it by giving me a signal that he's not emotionally interested.

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