Chapter 24: Dear Chelsea

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"Wh-" Luke stuttered. I couldn't look him in the eye. My eyes remained on the floor, but i could still sense the hurt on his face. "You know what, I hope you and Beau are very happy together" he spat at me. His words hurt, each one hit me like a pile of bricks. Luke started to leave the kitchen, avoiding all eye contact with me. He had it all wrong. I comforted myself, wrapping my arms around my cold body. Luke thought i left him for Beau, well in fact, I'm leaving both of them. Its not fair, me being on the other side of the world while in a relationship with Luke. I cant expect him to be loyal, however if he did cheat on me, it would break me. It would rip my heart into little pieces. And with all these teenage girls throwing themselves at him, it would be too much pressure, too overwhelming.

However, if i told Luke this is the reason i put a stop to the whole thing, he would refuse to leave me. He'd say 'That's the stupidest thing i've ever heard, i'd never cheat on you'. The thing is, i want him to forget about me, to leave me here knowing that he'd never have to come back, never have to worry about me again. It literally felt like someone had stabbed me in the gut, and i was crying because i had lost Luke along with the pain in my stomach. I left the kitchen after i managed to stop crying, forcing myself not to look into the living room. The only way i knew they were still there was Beau's light snoring. I was about to slip into my room, when i saw Sam sleeping in his room. I tip toed into his room, pushing the door too behind me. I just needed a friend right now. I crawled into his bed, resting my head on his chest. I must of woke him and i felt his arm slip over my shoulder.

"Whats wrong?" Sam asked sleepily.

I sighed, my voice wobbled and i was worried the tears would start falling down my puffy red cheeks once more, But i finally composed myself.

"I broke it off with Luke" I admitted, still sniffling.

"Why Chels? He was good for you" Sam admitted. Suddenly giving me all his attention. I burried myself under his arm further. 

"I didn't want to put him through the pain of missing me when he went home" i admitted, feeling my eyes well up again. Sam pulled me into a hug and squeezed me tightly. I felt like i could hide here forever, but tomorrow is a new day, the day Beau and Luke leave me and never look back.


I woke up and the events of last night hit me hard. I sat up and ran out to the living room. Luke and Beau weren't there. Neither was any of their clothes or bags. 

"LUKE!" i shouted desprately. "BEAU!". No reply. 

I rushed into the kitchen, and they weren't there either. The only thing different was a piece of paper, carefully folded and placed on the counter. I ran into the counter, not being able to stop in time and the counter side ramed into my side. I ignored the throbbing pain in my gut and opened the piece of paper.

Dear Chelsea,

I'm sorry if i done anything wrong, and I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye. I just couldn't face you again. I'm also sorry that you chose Beau over meChelsea, you just got to know, that you are and forever will be my girl, and I'm sorry I didn't let you know sooner. Chelsea Rose Katie Smith, I love you. And always will. This will probably be the last time to hear from me, and I just want to say, I'm pretty sure I'd fall in love with you all over again, every day.

My love and best wishes for the future,

Luke brooks.

I felt empty. I hadn't stopped crying since i read Luke's letter to me. I still love him, and the fact that I'd probably never see him again was killing me. Sam had been comforting me all day, But he wasn't like Luke at all, and Sam holding me just made me miss Luke even more. 

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