Chapter 20: I'm barely breathing

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I kicked my legs up at him, still having my arms pinned up above my head. The wet tarmac of the car park was starting to sink to soak the back of my clothes. I screamed, hoping someone would hear me. Who was i kidding, This is 2013 London, If someone was hearing a woman scream, they would run the other way not to get involved. 'Hold her still for fuck sake!' Bradley shouted at his brainless minion. I found myself starting to cry, out of terror. 'Please, Please Bradley, stop this' I begged, between crying. He just laughed at me, i wasn't going to stay still, this wasn't going to happen. I still pinched my eyes shut, i was so scared. Suddenly, i was free from the fat minions grasp. I wasn't prepared to look around and ask questions. I just got up and ran. My legs were numb from the scare. I ran away from the exit, hoping to gain enough speed to be able to jump over the wall that surrounds the parking lot. 

I heard the pounding of peoples skin and the cries out of pain. Every cry i heard just made me run faster. Suddenly, i heard fast feet, chasing after me. Gaining speed as fast as i was. I pushed myself harder, seeing the wall in sight. Then i heard 2 other running footsteps behind him. My legs started to sag. I reached the wall and i jumped, hooking my shaky hands over the top of the wall and using my feet to run up it. My hands started to slip, and i could feel them starting to cut. I pushed myself onto the top of the wall and swung one of my legs over. I let out a sigh of relief, i was almost free, away from that awful scene. I was about to swing my other leg over, when a cold, strong and crushing hand wrapped around my weak ankle. They pulled me to the floor. And i hit the tarmac with a thud, knocking the wind right out of me. I let out a little moan of pain and then i was picked up by two rough hands around my neck, pressing me up against the wall. Not caring about my physical pain. I opened my eyes and saw it was Bradley's brainless minion. Before i could react, he started squeezing my neck, lifting me up off the floor. I was gasping for air, the feeling of not breathing was unnatural and painful. My eyes started to drop, i could feel myself drifting away. I was chocking, and i felt weak. I was scratching at his hands, trying to loosen his grip while feeling for the floor, but it was lifted to far up to even try and reach for it. My eye lids started to drop. This was it, i knew i was going to die.   

Just when i thought it was all over, his hands were ripped from my throat and i was dropped to the floor. I lied on the floor, face down. It felt so good to fill my lungs up with the cool air again. I breathed in heavily. I pushed myself up with one hand and placed my other hand by my collar bones. I took deep breathes in, and from the lack of oxygen in my system, i started chocking on the large quantities that i was taking in. I collapsed onto the floor and rolled onto my back, looking at the night sky. My hearing was coming back to me, But it was mainly the beat of my heart, i turned my head to the side and saw Beau, beating the guy who just tried to kill me. Punching him multiple times in the face, Kicking him in the stomach. I was so weak i just lyed on the floor, watching Beau kick the shit out of this guy. As my vision started to focus back, i could see Luke, fighting with Bradley. I'd never seen him look so angry. He almost frightened me. Bradley looked like he could flick Luke and he'd be over, but Luke had the upper hand. He kicked him in the jaw, i didn't even know he could lift his leg that high. Both Bradley and his sheep had been knocked out. Beau and Luke ran to me. Beau reaching me first because he was only a few steps away. He hung over me, stroking my hair out of my eyes and cupping one of my cheeks with his hand. I was trying to respond, but all my energy was going into breathing and keeping my eyes open, slowly blinking now and again. Luke reached me and Beau went from crouching down next to me to standing up, to talk to Luke. They were arguing and i was scared they'd turn on each other. I couldn't hear what they were saying, all i could hear was the beat of my heart within my head. I had to get their attention. I reached my hand up to them, and Beau took it first. My breathing got heavier and they both crouched down to my side. As Beau had my hand, he slipped his hand behind my back and under my legs lifting me up effortlessly off the floor. I curled into his chest, feeling safe and secure. I could still hear my heart beat in my ears, blocking out any other sound. But my breathing started to slow down and i wasn't chocking on the thick air. 

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