Chapter 30: The final chapter

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Alex must of seen the worry on my face that suddenly appeared. "What's wrong?" She asked concerned, suddenly forgetting about her period pain. I looked at the floor, with shock and horror displaying on my face.

"I'm- I'm late" I managed to stumble out. I stood up quickly and started pacing the room. 

"But you haven't recently? Have you?" She asked, her eyes following me around the room. I looked at her and slightly nodded. She gasped and jumped to her feet.

"Who was it?" She said, trying to avoid the word sex. I think she's so innocent, the word would of made her blush, and this is an inappropriate time to blush.

"Luke" I breathed. I came to a sudden stop and looked up to Alex. Her face was confused and i could almost hear her brain ticking, trying to register it all. "Look, you have to go. I'll call you later" I said, picking up her bag and shoes and shoving them into her arms. I quickly kissed both of her cheeks and rushed her out of the door. 

"Sam!" I shouted after i shut the door behind Alex. I started to cry, i was so worried. "Sam!" I shouted again, louder this time. 

"Coming!" He shouted. I collapsed onto the floor, shoving my palms into my eyes. I heard him walking towards me, then his step pace quickened when he saw me in a ball on the floor. His arms wrapped around my shoulders and then under my arms. He effortlessly lifted me off the floor and leaned into his chest. I could tell he was probably confused to what was going on, but he knew that i wasn't in the right state to answer his questions.

Sam had lifted me onto the sofa and wrapped me up in a blanket. He came back into the living room with a cup of hot chocolate. He slid his arm around me and i rested my head onto his shoulder. 

"Chelsea, Whats wrong?" He asked, now that i was more composed. I shook my head.

"I'm late" I simply said, with no emotion.

"Late for what?" He asked confused. I sighed.

"My period, it's late" I expanded further. I could hear the sharp intake of his breath.

"Are you sure? Have you taken a test?" He asked, trying not to go into too much detail. I shook my head. Sam decided i was in no fit state to go to the drug store, so he gritted his teeth and went for me. After a few minutes, he reappeared. 

"I didn't know how many to get, so i got two" He said, sympathetically. I nodded in gratitude and disappeared into the bathroom.

Those two minutes were the longest of my life, but the test results for both tests were ready. I look a deep breath. I could hear Sam pacing outside the bathroom door. At least he's here for me. I turned the two tests around at the same time and looked at the results.

I opened the bathroom door, and i automatically had Sam's attention. "So?" He asked in suspense.

"I'm pregnant". I didn't know what to feel. Should i be happy? Should i be sad? I don't know what to feel. I didn't even want to cry. I stood in the doorway in complete and utter horror and shock. It was like i was lifeless, all the colour and spark just drained out of my body. Sam pulled me into a deep and meaningful hug. My arms remained at my side.

Now that I'm sure I'm pregnant. I need to decide what I'm going to do with it. I need to consider all my options, so the next day i went to the abortion clinic with Alex, for support. We walked through reception and i sat down, while Alex notified them that i had arrived. I looked down at my stomach, and realized that if i kept this baby, life never would be the same again. And the fact this all happened was because Luke took advantage of the drunk little English girl that had no clue about anything, killed me. I genuinely thought he was different. Alex sunk into the seat next to me.

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