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I thought it would be fun to tag all the songs I listened to while writing each chapter!

Songs for this chapter: 

-Home // One Direction

-Just A Little Bit of Your Heart // Ariana Grande

-Ghost // Halsey


Isobel adjusted herself on the sofa smoothing the frills on her skirt out gently before looking back up to me expectantly. 

"Yes, a friday, I'm listening." 

I knew she was listening because she had waited her whole life to hear me talk about Louis. Her whole small existence revolved around him, much like mine had done years ago. I couldn't listen to her ask about him anymore, she deserved to hear something about him, he was, after all, her father.

"I think the most important thing you need to know is that it was raining. Not just a little drizzle, it was a storm. I've never seen anything like it. Droplets as big as golf balls pelting down. Every where was flooded and if you were stupid enough to leave the comfort of your warm dry house, you would be wearing knee length wellies and a trench coat.

I was walking back from work and the wind was just as bad, blowing my umbrella inside out. Unfortunately that week my car had broken down and I didn't have enough money to fix it so my only choice was to walk everywhere. It wasn't too far from work to my flat, but far enough for me to be soaked to the bone. 

The wind was grabbing at me and flapping my coat inside out, making everything underneath sodden. I was trying my hardest to wrap it tighter around me when I let go of the umbrella by accident so I had to chase it down the road. It whipped around a corner and I couldn't see much since it was dark and wet. As I raced round the corner I smashed straight into something-or someone."

"Louis!" Isobel's crystal blue eyes, something that Louis had too, shone in awe and she shifted closer to me, placing her small palms against each other hopefully. I nodded and mimicked for her to shush as she started to squeal and clap. I rolled my eyes at her playfully and chuckled before continuing. 

"The something I had just crashed into started to moan very loudly at me, causing me to take a few steps back and look at what it was. Under the street lamp I could see a boy and started to apologise. He kept interrupting what I was saying, yelling angrily at me and I just repeated how sorry I was over and over. 

He backed into the light more and I could make out his features and the first thing I thought was how attractive he was. He had clear blue eyes that glistened in the damp light and mousy hair that was still quiffed back even in the rain. His cheekbones were to die for and could cut glass. 

I kept apologising to him and he asked me why I was running like that down the road. When I explained to him I was chasing after my umbrella he suddenly clicked I was stood outside in the storm with no protection. He looked around and spotted my umbrella on the other side of the road so gave me his as he chased after it for me. When he came back it was broken with all the metal spines poking out. He let me keep his umbrella to walk home with on one condition."

"Which was?"

"He could get my number." 

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