Forty Nine.

153 3 0

Songs for this chapter are:

*Close as Strangers // 5 Seconds of Summer

*Lost Boy // 5 Seconds of Summer

*Wherever you are // 5 Seconds of Summer

*If you don't know // 5 Seconds of Summer


My hand gripped Louis' tighter as we walked back into his kitchen. I spotted Belle perched against the counter with her arms crossed, talking to Niall, of all people. When the blonde spotted us walking towards them he started to grin.

"Hey guys, it's getting late so I'm going to shoot off. It was nice to meet you," he turned to face Belle to include her and continued, "both of you. We should do this again some time, Lisa can cook us all a meal or something one night so we can get to know each other." I found myself nodding along to him and watched as he left.

I noticed that there were a lot less people then before as my eyes scanned the room. Outside was dark and it had caused most people to venture inside, yet the crowd was still small.

"Have people been leaving?" I asked Belle and she nodded while yawning. "Most people are going, I've already said bye to Jay and Lottie. We couldn't find you for a proper goodbye." She shrugged and I lifted my eyes above her head to check the time. "Do you have a sec to come sit outside with me Belle?" I looked back down to her face and her eyes were squinting slightly, like she was trying to read me. "Sure..."

I followed her outside and we perched down on two of Louis' stone garden chairs at the bottom of his garden. Belle started to unbuckle her shoes and kicked them off before resting her feet on a stool in front of her. She massaged them and let out little sighs while I watched her. "Have you had a nice birthday?"

"It's been really good. I can't believe you managed to keep it a secret." She started to giggle and I inhaled sharply, to let her know I was offended. "I can keep secrets." She laughed harder and I joined in with her until we ran into silence. I took a deep breath and looked back over Louis' spectacular house. "Belle?"


"What do you think of Louis' house?"

"I mean, it is pretty amazing. Have you been in his bathroom? He has a hot tub setting in his bath." I snickered and turned to face her again, feeling her eyes on me. "What are your thoughts on living here?" She licked her lips in thought and looked back down to her feet that she was rubbing. "Do you want to live here Dad?"

"Well, Louis has asked me to."

"And you said yes?"

"I did. But I won't if you don't want to." She stayed silent for a few moments and I didn't push her for an answer as I breathed in the cool evening air. "It's not really up to me is it? I don't live with you anymore anyway, not really. My life is starting Dad and I don't want you to sit at home and worry about me. If you want to live here then you should live here." She sat back in her seat and the fairy lights behind her lit up her face. Little patterns danced around her features and I smiled. "Do I ever tell you how much I love you?" She chuckled under her breath and rolled her eyes. "Plenty."

I took another deep breath and sat back in the chair. I let my eyes look up to the sky and the moon and I couldn't help but notice how twinkly the stars were tonight.

"There's something else." She sighed a deep sigh at my words, "Of course there is." I could tell her tone was mocking and she wasn't seriously annoyed.

"Louis proposed."

I said it under my breath hoping she wouldn't hear, but the way she flew out of her chair signified she did hear. "What!" I stuttered unsure of how she was taking it. "Louis proposed." I repeated it, louder this time, and watched as her jaw fell open. She caught it just in time and her face broke out into a huge smile. "That's amazing! Oh my god! When? Dad this is so good!" I felt my heart start to beat slower and I swallowed the lump in the back of my throat as the fear I was feeling before melted away.

"Er, it only just happened. You're the first person to know about it." She did a little jig, lifting her knees up to her chest as she jumped. "Wow! I can't believe it." She froze on the spot and I watched as her eyes grew wide. "Does this mean that things have worked out? Do I get two Dads now?" Her voice was timid and I stood up, tangling her in a hug. "Yes Belle, this means things have worked out."

She moved out of the hug first and sat back down on the chair. I followed her lead and sat myself down. My hands started to twist together nervously and I wasn't sure why. "You really love him don't you?" I nodded and she watched me out the corner of her eye. "I still don't know why he left." I sucked on my bottom lip till it popped itself out of my grip. "This is something you'll have to talk to him about Belle. He has his reasons and you can decide if they're good enough."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"When you found out that Briana was pregnant, why did you offer to keep me?" I turned my gaze out over Louis' garden and sat back in my seat, resting my arms on the arm rests. "There wasn't another option. Briana was engaged and she and her partner decided together that she couldn't keep the baby since it wasn't his. She was so young and scared and so was Louis. When he told me it felt like my whole world had ended. I'd never felt heartbreak like it but he told me she wasn't going to keep it and I flipped out. I told him that he has to admit to his mistakes and be an adult for once and somehow it came down to us keeping you. We talked about it for so long and I loved him so much that I would have done anything for him.

We'd already talked about marriage and one day adopting and it was something we both wanted, eventually. We decided why not then.

I'm not going to lie to you, it hurt so much but you made it okay again. We went to all the scans and appointments and seeing your little feet kicking about and hearing your small heartbeat was enough for me to think there was no other way.

I wanted you."

I turned to look at Belle who was picking nail varnish off her fingers. Her face was contourted into one of thought but there was a tear dripping down her cheek. She stayed quiet briefly before allowing herself to talk; her voice was shaky: "So why did you keep me once Louis left?"

"Because you were mine and I loved you. Louis was the first person to hold you, I'll admit that. But even being the second person to hold you was enough. I fell in love with you straight away and somehow I managed to love Louis more for it.

I also thought he'd come back one day.

At first I thought he was having a mad few minutes and after a few days, or a week, he'd be back. We'd argue for a bit and then things would work out. But when weeks turned into months and months into years there was no changing what had been done. I loved you and wasn't about to give you up. Is that what you wanted to hear?" She nodded and wiped the rest of the tears away from her cheeks. "Do you want to sit out here alone for a while?" She nodded again and I pushed myself up before walking away from her and to meet Louis back in the kitchen.

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