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Songs for this chapter are:

-Sorry // Justin Bieber

-Last First Kiss // One Direction

-Scene Two-Rodger Rabbit // Sleeping with Sirens


"So when did he call you?"

"That night. I'd only just got home and my phone was ringing. iPhones didn't exist yet, so I had a black flip phone thing. If you wanted certain letters you had to press the key 3 or 4 times and go through the alphabet."

"That sounds fake."

"It's true! I still have it, I can show you later. Anyway, I'd left it out on the counter to dry, they were resilient and little bit of water didn't stop it. I was in the other room trying to warm up and when I heard it ringing I forgot I had given him my number so was actually annoyed someone was calling. When I answered and heard an unfamiliar male voice, I panicked."

"But it was only Louis."

"But I didn't know him then. He could have been anyone. We made small talk for a bit, about work and what not before he asked me out on a proper date. I agreed because I thought he was cute and we hung up.

That's when I realised I'd never been on a date before, at least not a proper one."

"Were you scared?"

"I think it's normal to be scared, it means you care." Isobel thought about this for a while before pulling her legs up and standing on the seat of the sofa. "My first date is going to be with a prince. We're going to go on a horse ride around his castle grounds and then he's going to feed me strawberries out of a picnic that his servants packed. But I won't be scared." She started galloping on the spot before she jumped down and mimicked eating strawberries. I laughed and shifted to face her, sitting cross legged on the sofa. "You don't ask for much do you Princess Isobel?" I bowed to her and she giggled. "Don't be silly Daddy, I'll be a Queen." I nodded, "Oh of course, silly me."

Isobel kneeled down on the floor and rested her elbows on the seat. "So then what happened?"

"Well I panicked and texted all my friends about what happened. Well...I say all...I texted Uncle Liam. He came over and I told him the whole story from the beginning. He said I should go for it and see what happened.

The day of the date rolled around and I got so scared that I texted Louis saying I couldn't go anymore since something had come up. He didn't believe me for a second but decided to play along with me. He called me up and I pretended to be sick and somehow he got my address out of me and showed up at my front door with a tub of ice-cream." I changed the part about him arriving with a bottle of jack daniels that we then spent the night drinking to the point we were both sick because an eight year old doesn't need to know that much detail.

"And we just spent the night together watching films and goofing around, it was like hanging out with a friend you've known forever." This was partly true. He did come round but we didn't just hang out. We spent the night watching one film and then playing stupid drinking games that ended in strip poker. Before the bottle was empty we were both naked and making out on my sofa. Louis was the one to stop anything from happening and I couldn't believe that I was so close to sleeping with him on the first date. Even then I knew that I would do anything for him.

"He left pretty late and promised to be back in the morning for a real date, but swore it would be a surprise and to dress warm and comfortable."

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