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Songs for this chapter are:

*Kiss Me Kiss Me // 5 Seconds of Summer

*18 // 5 Seconds of Summer

*Everything I didn't say // 5 Seconds of Summer


My eyelids fluttered open and I smiled contently when I was met with the sight of Louis' scruffy hair laying on my chest. He had his right arm gently tossed over me and his hand was gripping the sheets by my waist trapping me under his body weight like a Louis barricade. I could feel his legs intertwined with mine and I smiled to myself under his warm touch.

I thought back to last night and felt my heart start to beat faster as I wrapped my arm tightly around him. I was never allowing him to leave. 

There was a chink in the curtains that was allowing golden sunlight to pour in and making Louis' hair sparkle. He seemed to look angelic and it made my heart stutter. My fingers gently traced round the tattoos on his arm, trying my hardest to not wake him up. 

I could spend forever like this.

Isobel's bedroom door slammed and I listened as she marched down the hallway and into the kitchen. I had no idea what time it was, but was sure it was late. The noises she made disrupted Louis and he shuffled, moving his arm to grip me tighter. He sighed but didn't pull away from my touch.  Even though I knew he was awake, I carried on my quest to trace each and every tattoo on his arm. His breath hit me as he giggled and tried to talk. "That tickles Haz"  but he still did not pull his arm away from me. His husky sleepy voice was a surprise to me and I felt my lips stretch into a smile, happy that I could at last experience these small things with him again. 

We stayed like that for several moments, just us and the early morning together at last,  until the sound of shattering glass made us both jump. 

Louis sat up first, freeing me, and ruffled his hair sleepily. "She doesn't sound very happy Haz." His voice sounded concerned and I nodded in agreement even though he couldn't see me. I pulled myself up and muttered a low "I should go check on her, you should definitely stay here" as he pulled the sheets up to his neck. I hopped out of the bed and felt as he watched me pull on a pair of grey tracksuit bottoms. "I've missed this view in the morning." He said, chuckling a bit. I smiled at him and rested one knee on the bed as I leant forward to kiss him.

I left my bedroom and quietly shut the door before padding down the hallway and stopping in the kitchen. Isobel was stood over glass shards that scattered the floor with silent tears dripping down her cheeks and chin. "Belle? Are you okay?" I approached her slowly and noticed the floor was wet, as if she dropped a glass of water. "Hey, let me help you." I reached a hand out towards her but she flinched away, "I don't need your help. I'm fine."  Her tone was harsh and I felt myself wincing at her words. 

She suddenly sprung into action and started to scrape up the glass and mop up whatever the wet thing was, and I just stood watching her with my mouth hanging open. 

"Belle, I can do this." I tried to grab the dustpan and brush she was using but she pulled quickly away from my reach. "Dad, I can do it." She was stern and she stayed put until all the visible pieces of glass were collected and thrown away. 

She hovered over the spot even though there was no longer anything to clear away. 

"Talk to me sweetheart...please?" I was trying to be gentle with her and understanding, but somehow that made her more angry and she threw the dustpan and brush across the room. It hit a counter and made me jump before the dustpan skidded one way, and the brush the other. "I heard you with him last night, can't you see he's using you! He can't love you! He just knows all the right things to say!" Her words hit me like a truck and I had to take a step backwards, digesting them. She was unloading all her pain onto me and it hurt. My heart clenched slightly as she continued as I felt my stomach twist into a knot. 

"Why is he back now? What's special about now? Something's happened that made him come back. He's using you to fill whatever hole he's created now." My head started to shake frantically, I didn't want to believe her. My right hand reached out behind me and I steadied myself by holding onto a chair, while my left seemed to reach up and cover my heart, like it was holding it together. 

"No, Belle don't think like that, he wants to fix things." The tears were still rolling down her face as she shook her head back at me, but her actions were calmer than my own. "I don't want to see you get hurt Dad. There's a motive behind this and you're too trusting, he's going to hurt you." 

"Being trusting isn't a bad thing. Please just get to know him before you judge him. What he's done is bad but I know you will love him. Please Belle." Her eyes scanned my face sadly and I hoped she could tell how desperate I was for her to have a relationship with Louis. There was a long pause before she started to nod her head slowly. 


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