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Songs for this chapter are: 

-End of the Day // One Direction

-If I Could Fly // One Direction

-Long Way Down // One Direction


I scrubbed the plates over and over and over lost in thoughts of Louis and how things used to be. I would be lying if I said I hated him because I didn't. I loved him more than I had loved anything before. I just hated that I still loved him. I think what I hated most of all was the fact that if he turned up now, after all this time I would allow him back into our lives. I wouldn't be strong and turn him away, I'd welcome him with open arms. And I hated myself for that.

He was no doubt my soul mate and without him, it was like I didn't have a purpose. I was lonely and raising a child by myself because he was a selfish asshole. He couldn't deal with his own mistakes and left me to pick up the pieces. 

Isobel poked me and it felt like glass shattering in my brain. How long had I been day dreaming? How long had I been scrubbing this plate for? 

"So you planned having me?" I gulped and rested the plate in its rack to dry off before grabbing some of the foam from the top of the water and smothering it onto Isobel's chin. She giggled and I joined in, mocking her new white beard. "Yes. We went to an adoption agency and they said it would be better if we were married. We had talked about it before and decided we were heading that way so after leaving the agency we stopped by a jewelers and Louis bought me a ring. It wasn't essential that we got married to adopt and they said we could get the ball rolling in the mean time." 

I reached for some tissues and dabbed at Isobel's chin, wiping as much foam away as possible before she gave me a toothy grin. I pulled a silly face back and stood up straight, catching my reflection in the window. 

I looked so sad. 

"One day we got a phonecall that there was a baby girl waiting for us so we drove to the hospital straight away. I think it was actually early morning, like really early. Probably around 3am. We didn't have a bedroom ready or anything. But we showed up in that hospital and saw the cutest smallest baby and we both thought at the same time....nah not that one, let's go home." She swatted at me laughing. "Daaadddyyy tell it properly." 

"Then we held you in our arms and knew you were the one, so we took you home. Happily ever after." 

"Why didn't my real parents want me?" I stopped staring at my own reflection and knelt down in front of her, trying to be at her eye level. "Sometimes a Mummy and Daddy just don't have anything to give to a baby. If they had kept you they would have had a tough time looking after you. You'd have been hungry all the time and cold...and sick...The best thing was to find you a safe home where you could be looked after. That doesn't mean they didn't love you. That means they loved you more than anything. Do you understand?" She nodded innocently and I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her in tightly for a cuddle. "And I love you." 

"I love you too Daddy." 

I sighed knowing that if she ever found out the truth, she wouldn't love me anymore. 

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