Twenty Five.

164 8 3

Songs for this chapter:

-A Change of Heart // The 1975

- She's American // The 1975


After 20 minutes of standing outside Isobel's door trying to talk to her, I admitted defeat and sat down. I pulled my knees up to my chest and sat with my back resting against the door. 

"Belle, please talk to me. Tell me what you're thinking, like you used to." I heard some shuffling followed by some footsteps and could tell she was just the other side of the door. She let out a deep breath and I felt as the floor boards shifted as she sat down. "I don't know where to start on how I feel. Everything is so crazy right now, I can't keep up with everything." Her voice was muffled but I could still tell she had been crying. 

"I..I'm sorry Belle. Genuinely intensely sorry." 

"That's the thing, I don't want you to apologise. I just want everything to be okay."

"It will be okay, I promise. Please just get to know Louis. If you can find it in your heart to forgive him, I know you will love him, just as much as I do." I whispered the last part, scared to admit it, both to myself and to her. 

"That's the thing Dad, I have loved him all this time and then I find out he's not who I think he is. Everything hurts right now." 

"No-one expects you to be okay straight away, I just...Louis just wants to know that there could be a chance in the future." 

There was a long pause as she thought about what I was saying. I wasn't sure she was going to answer but I felt the floorboards shift again and her bedroom door clicked open. Even though it wasn't a surprise I still fell backwards onto her bedroom floor with a huff. She giggled above me and I rested my gaze on her, not bothering to sit up. She kneeled down and gently cupped my head in her hands. 

"I think there is a chance that in the future I can forgive him. Just not yet." I pulled myself up and swiveled to face her, grinning like an idiot. 

"But..." I gulped, scared of her next words but nodded, allowing her to continue. 

"I don't want you to see him while I figure stuff out. I think we both need time to adjust and sort our heads out." My face fell and I didn't know what to do. My heart stopped as I felt her expression shift into something unreadable. I had to choose between the love of my life, and my daughter. 

I nodded at her, trying to convince myself more than her that I could do it. I could keep away. 

She smiled back at me and crawled forward, wrapping her arms around my neck. "I love you Dad." 

"Mhmm, love you too." 


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