Forty Five.

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Songs for this chapter are: 

*All about that bass // Meghan Trainor

*I found a girl // The Vamps

*Weightless // All Time Low


The soft sounds of sleep were travelling from Belle's bedroom and I smiled to myself as I looked down to my feet. It was a birthday tradition for me to wake her up and drag her to open her presents. It wasn't as if she hated birthdays, she loved them, she just loved sleeping more. 

I creaked her bedroom door open and could make out a Belle shaped lump on her bed. I grinned and started bounding over to her, yelling happy birthday as I bounced next to her on my knees causing the bed to shake and shift underneath me. She moaned and rolled over, her eyelids barely opening. "Wake up it's your birthday! I want to give the birthday girl a birthday hug!" She didn't respond so I moved on top of her and peppered her face and neck in kisses. "Happy Birthday Princess!"

"Dad stooop." She moaned and tried to move under my grip. "You have 5 minutes to be up and in the kitchen okay?" 

"Mhmm." Her response didn't sound promising but I got up anyway and walked away to the kitchen, boiling the kettle for her to have a birthday tea. I'd already made pancakes and had them waiting at her spot on the table. I placed the mug down next to her plate and waited for her to emerge. 

The sounds of footsteps sounded promising and I turned to watch the door frame for her entrance. She walked in and yawned while stretching and I laughed at the state of her hair. She slid into her seat opposite me and jabbed a fork into the top pancake, attempting to shovel the whole thing into her mouth. "You are so graceful and lady like Belle, wow." She stuck her tongue out at me before dropping her fork and cupping the mug between her hands. "Do you want your presents then?" I grinned at her as the word 'presents' sparked her interest and her eyes opened fully. "Of course I do!" 

I raced out the room and grabbed the huge stack before running back in and propping them down next to her. Her eyes scanned the pile and shone with excitement as she took in the glitter and bows that wrapped each one. "Wow, it's all so pretty, I don't think I want to open them." But her words meant little to me as she started to tear into each and every one, leaving paper destruction behind. 

When she was done she licked her lips slowly and scanned over each present. "Wow, Dad, this is amazing I can't believe you did all this for me. How did you even afford half this stuff?" I knew she was referring to the professional camera I had got her and I shrugged. "You don't need to worry about that. Just enjoy the presents and take plenty of photos to remember everything." She chuckled. "I'm not you, I don't need to photograph everything." I smiled at her as she popped the lense cap off and took a photo of me. My smile dropped and I grimaced, "Maybe when I look better later you can do that?" 

"No, I want to remember what you looked like while I opened my presents on my 19th birthday." She looked down and started fiddling with all the buttons so I took the chance to swoop in undetected. "We're going round Louis' later because he has something for you too and then we're going out, is that in order?" She nodded but didn't say anything.

"Dress up." 

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