Forty Four.

141 3 0

Songs for this chapter are:

*Dangerous Woman // Ariana Grande

*Little Black Dress // One Direction 

*End up Here // 5 Seconds of Summer


I raced into Louis' house for the first time since I'd agreed to moving in and sped into the kitchen, skidding across the floor as I tried to stop. Even though I had only run a short distance I was breathless and I bent over trying to catch my breath. "What's the emergency Lou that I had to get here quickly for?!" My eyes met with Louis' and he looked worried as he scanned over two sheets of paper that were lead next to each other on the table. "I don't know which catering company to get for Belle's birthday." 

My body shot upright and I stared at him. "You got me over here in a panic to plan Belle's party?" He grinned cheekily at me and I shook my head angrily back at him. "Are you having a giggle Tomlinson?" 

"Well, if you lived here we could make the decisions together day or night." I rolled my eyes at him and walked over to sit next to him. I scanned both sheets of paper and pointed to a random sheet, not absorbing the information in front of me. "That one." 

"Hmmm, that one's more pricey." 

"Okay this one then." 

"Hmmm, they don't come with a free bar service, so I'd have to get that on top." 

"The other one then. Lou it doesn't matter, Belle is going to be so happy that you did this for her she's not going to even care if you got caters or not." He bit his bottom lip and pushed the papers away from him slightly. "I know, I just want it to be perfect since I missed out on all her other birthdays." 

"I know. And it will be perfect because for once all the people she loves will be under one roof. You are inviting Niall right?" He took a deep breath and nodded so I reached up and started stroking the back of his neck and hair. "And it's okay if I invite Liam and Zayn?" He continued to nod but I felt his body tense under my touch. "They don't hold a grudge against you anymore, they want you back in their lives just as much as me and Belle do. What about your mum and sisters, they'll be there too?" 

"Mum will be there, Lottie will be there and so will the twins, Fizzy is on her honeymoon." 

"Honeymoon, woooow!" I let my o's extend until I ran out of breath. How could everyone be so old? "When did everyone get so old Lou?" He chuckled under his breath. "Crazy isn't it? Will your Mum be there? And Gemma?" 

"Yeah, Mum's introducing everyone to her new boyfriend. It's nice to see her happy after what happened with Robin. It's going to be a lot for Isobel to take in I think. We better get that bar service for her." Louis let out a low laugh and picked up a pen, putting a massive circle around one sheet of paper. "This one it is then." He said as he scrunched the other sheet up and threw it across the room. "There's so much to do before next weekend. Do you want money to buy her a birthday outfit or something Haz?" 

"Lou, you handle the party, I'll handle the presents." He shifted so he could peck me on the lips before pulling away and sitting back. He inhaled deeply and bit his lip nervously, signalling he wanted to say something else but wasn't sure how to. I waited for him to process his words and finally he started to speak. "And...when are we telling Belle we're moving in together?" 

"At her party, I'll pull her to one side after presents and everything." 

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