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Songs for this chapter are: 

-The Sound // The 1975

-Disconnected // 5 Seconds of Summer

-Out of My Limit // 5 Seconds of Summer

-Cinderblock Garden // All Time Low


Harry's POV

I picked up the first umbrella my hand could grab and raced out into the rain, scared to be late for meeting Belle. I hadn't seen her in three months and finally we were having a catch up over coffee. However, I wasn't sure I was ever going to let her go if I hugged her again. 

There was no parking in front of the shop and I had to walk in the storm through the streets, thankful for the umbrella. Although the person who gave it to me let me down, the umbrella itself never stopped being reliable. 

I rushed out of the rain into the quaint shop, hearing a small bell ring which signaled my arrival. I shook the umbrella off, watching as little droplets sprayed everywhere before looking down at my watch and grimacing. I was early. Really really early. The excitement of seeing my baby girl again had got to me, even though she wasn't such a baby anymore. 

I sighed and wondered towards the counter while the waitress behind it smiled at me. I beamed back and placed the umbrella on the counter as I searched my pockets for my wallet. "Hiya, can I get a pot of tea please, and two muffins?"

"Certainly, how many cups?" 

"Two, thank you." She smiled again and tapped away at the till. "£5.20 please." I handed her all the change from my wallet and she exchanged it with a tray that had two precariously placed cups on it and a teapot. I turned around carefully to find a table and spotted one in the far corner, with a view outside. I walked over, lost in my own thoughts and placed the tray down. Just as I was about to sit down, a familiar voice started talking behind me. 

"Still using this old thing?" 

Time felt like it had stopped. Everything seemed to be still except my racing thoughts. I felt 19 again and like my heart was going to burst right out my chest. I didn't know what to do, and with shaky hands I turned around to face the source of the voice, so hoping and wishing that it was who I thought it was.

Two familiar blue eyes were staring into mine and everything seemed to feel right again, yet so very wrong. He looked like I had remembered him, except older. His hair was darker than I remembered it being, with grey streaks running through it. His face had more lines on it than it used to, the most prominent of those being the crinkles round his eyes. 


He carried on staring at me expectantly, holding his old tatty umbrella for me to take from him which I must have left on the counter. 

I had always thought my first reaction to seeing him again would be to kiss him and tell him how much I missed and needed him. But now, when he was stood in front of me, all I felt was anger. 

I didn't even know it was going to happen until it did happen. 

My balled up fist connected with his jaw and he took a few steps backwards reeling from the punch. He composed himself and placed his hand over where I had just hit him before turning back to me. 

"I deserved that." 

"You deserve so much more than a weak right hook. Where the hell have you been for the last 18 years?! I woke up one morning and you were gone. You leave your daughter for me to look after. Your own flesh and blood!" He licked his bottom lip and inhaled deeply. "I panicked. I was only 23. I didn't know how to be a Dad." His voice sounded steadier than my own. "And I did? I was only 21! You...You need to leave. She's coming here any minute now and she thinks you died. If she sees you it will destroy her."

He stuttered for a second, "Why did you tell her I was dead?"

"What else was I meant to say? 'Sorry sweetie, Daddy didn't want you, but it's okay, he didn't want me either'?!" My breath was running short and it felt like my lungs were on fire, mostly from pure rage. "Well I'm not going anywhere, I want to meet her." He moved past me and sat down at the table I was reserving and I turned to face him. I could feel my face reddening with rage and I wanted to smash something.  "You're so fucking selfish you know that?! You have had 18 years to meet her and now, when we have all finally moved on, you pop up like a fricken daisy and destroy our lives again." He chuckled at my choice of words, and I remembered that he never did take me seriously when I was angry. His features softened under my hard stare and he looked away. "I'm sorry." 

"Sorry doesn't raise your daughter. Sorry doesn't bring back the last 18 years that I lost waiting for you to come home. Sorry doesn't stop the heartbreak you caused." I ran a shaky hand through my hair and took deep breaths trying to calm down. 

How was this happening? 

"I never intended to hurt anyone,  I thought that I was doing what was for the best." 

"Bollocks! All of it is bollocks! You don't care about anyone and it took me all this time to realise it. You never loved me Louis and it's taken me this long to get over you. Please leave before you destroy someone else's life." I was practically begging him, pleading with him to just walk out the door before Belle could see him. I could see the clogs in his head turning as he thought about it. He was actually going to get up and leave but I knew it was too late when the shop bell chimed again and a familiar mousy haired girl entered the café. 

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