Twenty Six.

167 7 2

 Songs for this chapter are:

*Lights Out // Room 94

*Blindfold // Jake Quickenden

*BeFoUr // Zayn


Huffing, I picked the milk up and splashed it into my tea before slamming it back down on to the counter. The tea rippled as it turned a cream colour and I watched as little flecks of white flew out and landed around me as well as on my hand. I sucked on the back of my hand, mopping up the droplets and heard as Isobel walked in the kitchen behind me.

"Are you okay Dad?" 

I turned to face her, still sucking on my skin and nodded, as I slid into a chair at the table. "Yep, are you? Did you sleep okay?" She moved to sit down on the chair opposite me. "It was actually okay, first time I think I've slept all the way through since Louis came back." I smiled a small smile at her and could tell she looked more refreshed, the bags under her eyes seemed to look smaller and paler. 

She stood up and started to make cereal for herself in the far corner of the kitchen. I pulled my eyes away from her and stared into my tea, seemingly getting absorbed into the milky abyss. 

I had not slept at all, again. Louis was running through my mind and it felt like the first time he left again, it felt like I wouldn't get to see him ever again and I was so close to having everything I've wanted for the past 18 years, and it's being ripped away from me. Again. 

*Ding Dooong*

"I'l get it." I said as I stood up and looked over to Isobel who was rolling her selves up, ready to get the door too. She turned back to her breakfast and I left the room, pulling on an old jumper that was left on the table, not wanting anyone to see my naked torso. 

When I reached the door I felt a yawn coming on and pulled it open as my mouth opened. Louis grinned back at me and my mouth dropped, cutting my yawn short. I looked over my shoulder and heard Isobel in the kitchen, so I took a step outside and pulled the door to behind me. 

"You can't be here." 

Louis' face fell and his eyebrows knitted together. "What...why?" I sighed and checked over my shoulder again. "Isobel said that it's best if neither of us see you for a bit, I'm doing this for her." He blinked and took a step back, his eyebrows moving closer together as the crease inbetween them deepened. "I don't understand?" 

"She thinks it's best if we just..."I paused as I tried to find the right way to word it, "spend some time adjusting to everything. We need some time to think everything through before we allow you back into our lives again and I think if we do this, for her, you have a chance of a relationship with her." He licked his lips in thought. "I see." 

There was an awkward pause as neither of us knew what to say next. 

"So, that's a no to coming to the fair with me today then?" I groaned, only allowing a low rumble to leave my lips and reached for the handle of the door behind me. I was backing away because I knew if  I spent much longer with him, I'd end up saying yes. "Louuu..."

"Hazzzz..." He mimicked my whine and I felt my stomach flip. "Come on Harry, it's just one day out to the friends?" 

"I...I can't. I'm not even dressed." 

"So get dressed and meet me downstairs in 10." He turned to walk away but stopped and started walking backwards to continue the conversation. "By the way, you can keep that jumper if you want, it looks better on you than it did on me." He winked and turned himself around again, going down the stairs to his car. 

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