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Songs for this chapter are:

*November // Sleeping With Sirens

*Iris // The Goo Goo Dolls

*Lightweight // Demi Lovato


Isobel patted the last of her stuff into a clear box and stood up, wiping a tear from her face. I watched her as she turned to face her empty bedroom again but I wasn't sure what to do.

All my own stuff was already at Louis' and waiting to be unpacked. But Belle insisted she wanted to do her own packing.

She puffed air out of her mouth and turned to face me again and I offered her a small smile with my lips pressed together and turning in on themselves. "I don't want to leave." Her words ran right through me and I felt my heart drop which matched my face. She started to pace towards me, a worried expression on her own. "No no no I didn't mean I don't want to live with Louis Dad, I meant I'm just going to miss this place so much." I nodded and started to gently touch the walls and door frame, as if I was absorbing memories.

"I know, so much has happened in these four walls and I wouldn't change a single thing." Belle walked closer to me and slowly looped her arms around me, pressing against me very gently before pulling away. "Shall we do a house tour and say our good byes?" Her head shook against my chest and I could tell she was nodding.

Our hands intertwined as we wondered the corridors and stopped in each room.

"Remember when I used to measure you on this wall and you'd always stand on tip-toes because you wanted to be taller than you were." I chuckled and Belle reached up to touch the faint black marks on the wall. She sniffed and I tried my hardest to not look at her, knowing that she hated to cry and hated people seeing her cry.

We carried on looking around the rooms and I spotted a dent in the wall that my fingers traced over. "Oh my god do you know what this is from?" Belle walked over to me from the other side of the room and shook her head. "We were playing knights and I ran at you with my joust and banged the wall. You then fell over and knocked everything off the table and hit your head so hard you were throwing up all night." Belle started to laugh so hard she snorted, making her laugh even more.

"Ready to go." Our laughs died down when we heard Louis' voice and Belle came closer to me, putting her arm round my neck as I stood up straight. "Yep, Belle's all packed, right sweetheart?" I turned my head to look at her and she nodded, pulling her arm away from me and leading Louis into the other room.

I walked over to the window and looked out of it one last time, absorbing as much as I could of the view. It wasn't the best view, just roads and trees but there was something about it that was therapeutic. I'd spent so many nights sat in this window seat just curled up in a blanket watching life go past, and it was something I took for granted at the time. I sat down on the cushioned seat one last time and let my eyes follow the cars as far as I could see.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped before realising it was Louis.

"Ready?" I placed my own hand over his and smiled a small smile at him. My heart was beating hard in my chest and I couldn't make out what I was feeling, was it sadness from moving on, or contentment from finally having everything I wanted?

Louis sat down opposite me, and clutched my hand in his. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong it's just sad to leave this place. I've lived here for 17 years and it's just hard to say good-bye." Louis chuckled and hung his head. "You always were so sentimental." I tutted and rolled my eyes, pulling my hand from his. "Fine, I'm ready then." I stood up and pulled my shirt down that had ridden up and Louis stood up too. "Don't be silly that's one of the reasons I love you so much." He kissed the tip of my nose and started to drag me away and to the front door.

"Time for your new life to begin Styles."

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