Thirty Nine.

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Songs for this chapter are:

*Kiss You // One Direction

*Save the Last Dance // Union J

*Heart Out // The 1975

*What a Night // Loveable Rougues


By the time we had made it outside and walked back to my car, the tow truck was already there and waiting. Louis walked ahead to greet the driver and explain all the problems while I watched, resting against my car door.

Once Louis had finished and the guy started doing his job, Louis walked back over to me. "You know I can do all this myself. I have been on my own long enough to sort my own messes out." He stroked a damp piece of hair out of my face and smirked. "I know, just let me look after you Haz." I sighed and turned my head away from him, trying to hide my smile.

"All done lads, I'm taking it to this address," The tow man whipped a card out of his pocket and handed it to Louis before carrying on, "if you get down there tomorrow morning they'll tell you what's what." And just like that he walked off and climbed into his truck with a slam of his door. We both stepped back and watched as he drove away before turning to each other again.

"I guess you need a ride then Haz?" I started tapping on my chin nervously, scanning the street. "I guess I do." For some reason this was funny and Louis laughed, "Don't need to look so worried, you can be on your own with me." His tone came across slightly patronising and I wasn't sure how to reply, so I followed him to his car in silence.

I wasn't sure what I was feeling anymore. I couldn't decide if I was more in love with Louis than ever or if I was still mad at him. I didn't know if I was still a little turned on or if everything was made worse by my slight tipsiness. There was something about the fact that he wanted to look after me that seemed to cellotape the broken pieces of my heart back together, not fully mending me but nearly. I just couldn't get over the fact that he had lied again, but this time I was part of it and we hurt someone else.

All these thoughts swirling around my mind made the car ride end too soon and when I blinked I saw we were outside Louis' house, and not my own. "Lou..."

"Just stay the night with me Haz, just one night. No sex or funny business, just stay." I scratched the back of my neck anxiously and looked back out over his huge house that was lit up by flood lights lining his driving way. "Please?" I found myself nodding and Louis gripped my hand, a small thank you, and we both climbed out of his car.

When we went into his hallway the lights were on and suddenly, we both remembered Sam. Louis let go of my hand and signaled for me to stay put as he wondered off. Everything was calm until things started to crash upstairs. I could make out the utterances of voices which were growing louder as Sam started running towards me, throwing things down the staircase. He paused when he saw me and scoffed, spinning around to face Louis. "You brought him into our home! How could you!"

"This is my home Sam. I brought him into my home." Louis was hidden by darkness upstairs and only when he started to walk slowly down could I make out his features. "Harry, go into the kitchen, get yourself a drink." I stuttered at Louis' words and took a small step forward before stopping again and looking back at Louis. He nodded at me and I closed my mouth, continuing into the kitchen. Their voices were louder now and I could hear almost everything as I sat down on one of Louis' stools. I didn't realise I was still tipsy but when I sat down I wobbled slightly and nearly fell off.

"Everyone said I shouldn't give you a chance because you'd only hurt me, and I was a fool for not listening!" Sam was yelling again and I could hear every word he was saying clearly, but Louis was remaining calm and I couldn't make out anything he was saying.

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