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Songs for this chapter are:

-Risk it All // The Vamps

-We Found Love // Rhianna


I felt as the bed next to me dipped down and a weight flopped on top of me. When I opened my eyes it was still dark out and Isobel's chin was resting on my chest, her eyes sparkling in the darkness. "What's wrong sweetheart?" 

"I can't sleep I was thinking about Louis." I sighed and rolled over, pulling her with me so she was wrapped up in my arms facing my chest. "I told you starting the story was going to give you nightmares." 

"I didn't have a nightmare. I had a nice dream. It was so nice and I'm sad because when I woke up it wasn't real." I could feel her tears splashing against my chest and I stroked my thumb over the back of her head gently. "Louis was alive and I called him Daddy too, I went downstairs and he'd made us pancakes for breakfast like they do on TV. You were already sat at the table and when I came in the room he hugged me then kissed you on the forehead, like Nan does. Afterwards he came up to me and told me how much he loves me and that he wishes he was still here. It was like I was really talking to him."

"Shhhh Belle it's okay. It's okay." She sobbed into my chest and dampened my sheets. When she was done she sniffled a bit and I hugged her tightly before letting her roll away. I propped myself up on my elbow and stared down at her. "I'll tell you what. Why don't I make pancakes for breakfast tomorrow morning. Just like they do on TV?" Her eyes were shining more now they were damp but even in the darkness I could tell when she was nodding her head. "Okay, now get some sleep." She rolled over and curled into a ball on the left side of the bed as I shuffled down and stared at the ceiling. 

I must have drifted off to sleep too, because suddenly I was running in the rain round a corner and knocking into something-or someone. When I took a step back it was clear that that someone was Louis and instead of having an argument with me like I expected him to do he wrapped his arms around me and whispered that he missed me into my ear. It felt so real, I could even feel his breath and smell his aftershave. 

He let me go and I blinked but when I opened my eyes he was gone and his trench coat was floating softly to the ground. It landed in a lump on the floor and the more I stared at it, the more it looked like it was moving. I looked around the street wondering if anyone else could see the shape underneath it or whether I was going mad. Carefully, I bent over and lifted the sleeve off the ground, revealing a baby. 

It started to scream and yell and the more of the coat I peeled away the louder it got until I was engulfed in shrieks and blackness. I scooped the baby up in my arms trying to get it to stop but it wouldn't. I tried calling for Louis, begging him to come back but he didn't. It was just me, alone in the blackness with a baby. 

The Story of Us // L.SWhere stories live. Discover now