Twenty Nine.

170 5 4

Songs for this chapter are:

*Sex // The 1975

*TiO // Zayn

*Poison // Rita Ora



I stood by the front door, propping it open with my foot as I waited for Louis. I couldn't help it but my eyes were filling with tears as I thought back to Isobel's words. 

She was right.

Why couldn't I just stay away?

My attention was brought to the top of the stairs when I heard footsteps and saw Louis emerging. He grinned but his face dropped when he saw me properly. He jogged forward and wrapped his arms around me, letting me rest my head against his chest. 

It felt like home.

 I sniffled a little bit into his chest and he shushed me, "Is she not okay?" I shook my head against him and mumbled into his shirt, "No, she thinks I'm betraying her and I should find some strength from somewhere to keep away from you. Why can't I do that?" He didn't say anything as he held me. 

I pulled away first and shut the door quietly behind him. "Sorry." He looked up at me and seemed confused, "For what?"


"Don't be stupid Haz, you're allowed to cry. And I should be the one that's sorry. This is, after all, my fault." I didn't answer him since there was nothing to say to him. I couldn't reassure him that it wasn't his fault, because it was. But I didn't want to burden him, especially after everything. 

I reached out for his hand and he took it, intertwining his fingers with mine. "I missed touching you Haz." I smirked at him and giggled. He rolled his eyes in response but smirked back, "That's not what I meant but God, have I missed that too." I lead him into the kitchen and we sat down at the table in silence. Louis broke it first, his expression signified he was in thought about something. 

"Can I ask you something?" 


"Have you been with anyone else, since I left?" I looked down to the table and started picking up grains of stray salt with my index finger. " what you that" 

"Harry, come on. You know what I mean." I sucked on my bottom lip till it started to make a squeaking noise. "" I said it quietly and was scared to see Louis' expression. His hand gripped mine tighter and he tugged at it gently as he stood up. "That's a long time Harry. A long long time." He pulled me out of my seat and lead me down the corridor to my own bedroom. When I stepped inside he shut the door and pushed me against it, peppering kisses down the side of my neck. 

"Have you forgotten what it was like?" His breathing was getting deeper and I could feel my own heart start to race. I didn't expect it to be, but my response was breathy, "No-uh". He stopped kissing me and rested his face close to mine, our noses were touching as he smirked and lifted my-well his- jumper over my head. 

"Do you remember all those things I used to do to you? How I made you feel?" I stuttered causing him to grin and my heart faltered. 

He lead me over to the bed and practically pushed me down onto the mattress as he climbed over me, straddling my lap. My hands stopped being limp and reached up to pull his own jumper off, revealing all his tattoos. My eyes traced over all of them and my fingers traced the ones I remembered, the ones he got for me. He stopped and it caused me to rest my eyes on his face, which was smiling down at me, the crinkles appearing at the sides of his eyes. 

"You still have them?" 

"The thing about tattoos Haz, is that they're forever." 

"But you could have covered them up?" He shrugged and leant forward to start leaving a trail of kisses down my neck and chest, before stopping inbetween my nipples to leave a love bite. My fingers continued to follow the pattern of his tattoos, while his unbuttoned my jeans and started to wriggle them off. My right hand copied him, trying to get his zipper down as my left hand gripped his arm. 

He had slipped his hands into my boxers and was teasing me, slowly pumping and it felt better than I remembered it. I inhaled deeply and I could tell he was smirking at me without having to look. He stopped just as quickly as he had started and I felt my hips buck sadly against the mattress. "Lou..." 

"Ssshhh, we're just starting." He whipped his own trousers off and pushed them to the end of the bed before pulling my boxers off. He straddled me again, slowly and painfully grinding against me, making me moan lowly. My hands were pressed against his shoulders, turning his skin white as I gripped him tightly. I could feel his own hands at my waist, pressing harder and harder into me as he got more and more turned on. 

The way his hips moved against mine was torture and I needed him inside of me. I needed to feel him thrusting against me before I exploded everywhere like a 16 year old boy. 

He seemed to be able to read my thoughts and pulled away causing me to whimper. He pulled his boxers down to his knees and I shifted so he could push my legs up to my chest. "Are you okay Harry?" I nodded, unsure if I trusted my voice enough to speak. 

There was a darkness in his eyes, something I had been fantasising about for so long and now I got to experience it again. It seemed to make me harder and he seemed to know. He smirked down at me and leant forward, resting one of his arms next to me as he kissed me. Our lips seemed to work quicker now, as if matching our heart rates and I felt his fingers slide into me. I disconnected my lips from his and found myself moaning, even from this one small action. He started to smile as he realised how easy this was going to be for him. 

"Oh Harry, you're making this too easy for me. I'm going to have to tease you a bit." 

My breath hitched as he put another finger in and started to pump them deeper. Before I knew what was happening he pulled them out and shifted forward, resting both arms either side of me as he continued to kiss me. Everything seemed to calm down for a few minutes as we made out but then I felt him slip his length in to me, slowly hitting the spot I had been craving for him to hit. 

Our bodies started to move as one as he rocked in and out of me. He started slowly but gradually got faster as he couldn't fight his own urges away anymore to tease me. He kept hitting the right spot over and over and every time he did I moaned and it felt like my moans were getting louder every time. I was so aware of Isobel's presence in the next room, I picked up my hand and bit the back of it, trying to silences the noises. 

This displeased Louis and he batted it away. "I want to hear you cum for me." His words alone nearly sent me over the edge and I gripped the bed sheets waiting to ride out my orgasm. I was surprised to feel him finish first, so sure I was more desperate for his touch than he was for mine, and he pulled out, causing me to whine. He smirked at me and bit down on his bottom lip, untangling my legs from each other. I stayed put, my hands still gripping the bed sheets since I had never felt so turned on in my life and I wasn't sure I could move. 

He shifted lower down on the bed and took me in his mouth and the feeling of his hot tongue flicking over me nearly caused me to scream out. His eyes looked devilish as he sucked harder, moving his head backwards and forwards to get all of me in his mouth. 

"Lou, I'm cumming." He stayed put and let me finish in his mouth. My hips bucked off the mattress and my heart pounded as I experienced the most intense orgasm I had ever had. 

Louis sat up and wiped his mouth off with the slight flick of his thumb and grinned down at me. "Wow." He kissed me again before pulling away and I echoed his words back to him. 


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