Fifty One.

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Songs for this chapter are:

*Jar of Hearts // Christina Perri

*I love you // Alex and Sierra

*I see the light // Tangled Soundtrack


Louis nudged his front door open with his foot and pushed one of Isobel's boxes along the floor. I stepped into his hallway after him, and stood trying to balance the box I was carrying.

"Belle?" She stepped in after me and was trying to juggle a backpack and a box. "Put your stuff down and come with me." Louis beckoned her over and held his hand out which Belle tentatively took once putting all her things on the floor. He lead her upstairs and I followed slowly behind them, trying to lift my own box up step after step.

I found them in a room I had never been in before and placed my box outside the door before leaning against the door frame and folding my arms across my chest.

They were stood in the centre of a room that was white with a massive king sized bed in the middle. It reminded me of Louis' bedroom but instead of duck egg blue being the theme, everything else was purple. The headboard of the bed was a twisted black metal that had twinkling fairy lights wound round it and I couldn't help but smile.

I watched from the outside as Belle hugged Louis, it was a nervous hug, but a hug nonetheless and they both turned to face me. "This is Belle's room when she wants it. For holidays or if she just wants to move in after uni." I felt my heart soar at Louis' words and I couldn't help but smile wider. I didn't want to intrude on their perfect moment so I took a step back and lugged the box into the room.

"Where do you want this?"

"Um, just on the bed is fine for now." Belle pointed aimlessly towards the bed and I huffed as I placed the box down as gently as I could. I was interested in their conversation and over-heard Louis showing Belle her own on suite. I turned to face them again and Louis looked between us awkwardly. "So I guess...we'll get the rest of your things and let you unpack?" His words were anxious and I wanted to hug him.

After Louis and I had moved all of Belle's stuff into her room, Louis pulled me down the corridor to our own bedroom. He had tried so hard to change the decor of the room so it was different to 'his and Sam's' room. He wanted it to be ours and tried to make things how he thought I wanted them. I just didn't have the heart to tell him it was fine as it was. He shut the door behind us and pressed me against it, slowly and teasingly kissing me. I smiled into it and felt as he did too, before he pulled away. He walked over to the massive chest of drawers that were almost taller than he was and opened the middle drawer. He rummaged for a few seconds before turning to face me and hiding whatever he had behind his back.

"Soooo..." He smirked at me as he walked over and stood right in front of me, only a few centimeters separating us. "Soooo?" I repeated his words back to him. He smiled and started letting his eyes drift between my eyes and my lips. "I have something for you."

"You didn't need to get me a present."

"It's not a present." My eyes squinted as I stared at him quizzically. "Okay?"

"Open it." He handed me a square blue box and I took it in my left hand, opening the lid with my right. Inside was a ring. It was silver and had indents all the way around it with clear crystals in it. "Lou? What is this?"

"Your engagement ring silly. It's white gold with diamonds." I looked between him and the ring and felt my face start to stretch into a smile. "You didn't have to!" He rolled his eyes jokingly at me and we both moved forward at the same time to kiss. He pulled away first, "May I...?" His hands hovered over the box and I nodded, allowing him to hook it out and place it on my finger.

It fitted perfectly.

We both stared at it in amazement but Louis broke the silence first by starting to laugh.

"Can you believe it's taken us 21 years to finally get this far." I laughed with him and stroked the ring slowly. "I am so happy it is finally happening Lou."

The Story of Us // L.SWhere stories live. Discover now