Forty Seven.

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Songs for this chapter are:

*Nina // Ed Sheeran

*Tenerife Sea // Ed Sheeran

*Afire Love // Ed Sheeran

*I'm a Mess // Ed Sheeran


The crowd of people stood in Louis' kitchen started to disperse and talk while Louis and Belle stood in their embrace. I wasn't quite sure what to do so walked over to the cocktail bar Louis had hired and ordered a drink. I leaned an elbow against the bar and ran a hand through my hair looking over everyone. There were a lot of people I knew mingling through the crowd, some faces I hadn't seen in so long, but others I didn't recognise.

Once the bartender had given me my drink, my eye caught Louis' and he beckoned me over. When I reached him he pecked me on the lips and put his hand round my waist to guide me somewhere. "Introductions first Haz, I think Belle needs to settle in before she meets everyone but come outside." He led me into the garden which was decked out with fairy lights along the fence and lanterns dotted around. It truly looked magical and I couldn't help but feel so happy that Louis had done all of this for our daughter.

I wasn't watching where I was going and when we stopped suddenly I gasped, scared I was about to drop my drink. I did a little jig on the spot, looking down to my feet as I heard Louis speak: "Mum, you remember Harry?"

My head snapped up and I was met with the sight of Jay in front of me who was beaming from ear to ear. I smiled back and held my hand out for her to shake but instead she threw her arms around me, tangling me in a hug. "Harry, love, you are an angel and I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for my family. Raising Isobel as if she were your own is truly wonderful but now you're welcoming Louis back into your lives? Honey, I can never ever thank you enough for the light you bring to my family and thank you for allowing me to meet her. Finally." She pulled away from me and there were tears streaking down her cheeks. My face crumbled into concern and I felt lost for words. " Jay. Thank you." She laughed and swotted at me. "Look at me being a sappy thing. Go have fun and ignore me for God sake!"

Louis pulled me away from her and towards a blonde male I had never seen before. "Harry, I'd like you to meet someone very special to me, Niall?" The blonde turned around to face us and smiled at me before Louis continued. "Harry, this is Niall, Niall this is Harry."

My heart stopped for a second seeing the face of the man who had saved Louis' life.

I didn't know what to say to him but he carried on grinning at me, like we were old friends. "Wow, Niall, it's so nice to meet you. I can't thank you enough for saving Louis' life all those years ago. Without you we wouldn't be here today." He rolled his eyes comically at me and tutted. "Please, it was nothing. Anyone would have done the same thing and God did I pay for that. He wouldn't get off my sofa for years afterwards." His Irish accent surprised me and I could feel my eyes widening.

Louis chuckled and hung his head causing Niall to poke at him a little. His sudden friendly movement stunned me slightly and as Louis lead me away I couldn't help but ask: "Did you ever sleep with him?" I didn't know that what I had said was so funny but Louis burst out laughing to the point we had to stop walking in the middle of the garden. My eyes scanned the faces of guests that watched us and Louis stood up straight again, wiping a tear from his eye. "No, Niall is as straight as they come. The very thought of a penis repulses him. Except his own, he can't get enough of his own." I giggled at his words and looked back over my shoulder at the blonde who was in conversation with Louis' very pregnant sister.

"Are we done meeting people Lou, I want to find Belle.?"

"Mhmm, you are going to tell her today about you moving in though?" His eyes looked concerned and I nodded, stroking my thumb over his worry lines. "Yes, later. After presents and cake and the excitement has died down." He nodded back at me and let go of me so I could wonder into the kitchen to find Belle.

I took a deep breath as I walked and felt like the weight of the world was finally falling off my shoulders. It was so weird to feel all this stress just melting away as everything seemed to slot into place. I didn't want to be too optimistic since life likes to shit on me, but for once it was as if things might work out.

I found Belle pressed against a corner playing tonsil tennis with Jed. I stopped as close to them as I could get before clearing my throat causing them to jump apart. There was something about Jed's scared reaction every time he saw me that made feel good inside; in an evil way.

Belled wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and I bit the inside of my cheek to stop from laughing. "Having a good time are we?" She rolled her eyes at me and knew I was teasing but Jed's face was one of pure fear. "Have you met everyone Belle? Jay and that." She shook her head. "Not yet. I'm kinda scared."

"Of what? Jay is the nicest woman I have ever met and she's so excited to get to know you." She looked down to the ground and then to Jed who was licking his lips nervously. "Jed can come too." He reached his hand out for her to take and I cocked an eyebrow in a 'come on' kind of way. She huffed and caved in, following me into the garden.

I wasn't sure where Jay would be but I spotted Louis' quiff in the far corner of the garden talking to his mother. "You ready Belle?" I looked over my shoulder at her but she didn't reply, her eyes also fixed in the direction of Jay and Louis. I led her down the garden path and paused, waiting for the two of them to catch up to me so I could link hands with Belle's free one. Louis caught sight of us first and watched as we walked towards them. My heart skipped a beat and I found myself smiling at him.

"Jay, I'd like to introduce you to someone." Louis' mum turned around at the sound of my voice and she started to smile, it was similar to Louis' smile and it warmed my heart that I could make her this happy. I turned to look at Belle who was looking to the ground at her shoes, twisting her toe against the grass. "Belle, this is Jay, Jay this is Belle." She slowly lifted her head at my gentle tone and smiled a small smile for Jay. "Hey, so...I guess...I'm like your granddaughter then?" Louis and I's eyes met and we both tried to hold in a laugh as Jay lunged forward and wrapped Belle in a hug. Belle's eyes bulged out of her head and I bit my lip to stop from laughing, sensing Louis was doing the same.

Jay pulled back but held onto Belle's shoulders. "You are so beautiful sweetheart. You have to meet the girls. We're all dying to get to know you. You will spend time with us after this party won't you?" She whisked Belle away to meet Lottie and the twins and Belle looked back at us over her shoulder, mouthing 'help me'. Louis and I laughed and shuffled closer together so he could put his arm around my waist.

Jed stood in front of us, shifting nervously from foot to foot. "Ah Louis, this is Jed, you haven't met Jed yet." Jed's head snapped up to look at us and he pulled his hand out from his pocket for Louis to shake. "Nice to finally meet you." Louis shook his hand briefly before starting to talk himself. "I hear you're seeing my daughter Jed. As her father I only have one thing to say to you. If you hurt her I will cut your balls off and use them as christmas tree decorations, is that clear?" He started to nod his head frantically before scurrying away leaving Louis and I in a fit of giggles. "Shame that was mean, he didn't know you were joking."

"Who says I am?" Louis placed his other hand on my waist and pulled me to face him. We stared at each other in a silence that should have been awkward but wasn't before leaning in to kiss each other. When we pulled away Louis whispered just so I could hear, "I love you."

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