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Songs for this chapter are: 

-Vapour // 5 Seconds of Summer

-A Love like War // All Time Low

-Right Now // One Direction


Isobel jumped up and perched herself on the edge of the counter, crossing her feet at the ankles and stirred the pot of mince carefully. I watched her over the rim of my glass as I sipped some water. I tried to spend as little time in my day thinking of Louis but now that she had unlocked this box I couldn't stop myself from staring at her and comparing her features to his. She had his bone structure, and his eyes. As she stared into the pot I could see her long eyelashes against her cheeks. One of the few differences she had to him was that she was blonde, it almost looked like it was out of a bottle. 

Hey blue eyes looked up to me from the pot and she grinned as she started banging her legs against the cabinet. "Carry on then!"

"What do you want to hear?" I put my glass down and carried on chopping up tomatoes. 

"Everything. I want to know everything." I sighed internally and thought back to what happened after the day at the fair. 

"Okay, so after we went out..."

"To the fair!?"

"Yes, after that day we didn't see each other for a while. But we spent a lot of time texting and talking in chatrooms like msn and stuff. We used to match up our schedules so we'd have at least one hour a day just for us. Looking back I suppose it was a bit stupid, why didn't we just meet up? I think the next time we saw each other in person we went to the cinema. I can't remember which film it was but we sat right at the back." I giggled to myself as I recalled what happened in that back row and why I couldn't remember the film. We were banned from ever going back, even to this day. I tried taking Isobel to see minions or something and they still wouldn't let me through the doors. 

"I thought you weren't allowed in the cinema?" 

"Um, yeah this was before." 

"Why did they ban you?" 

"You know Belle, I can't remember. It must have been something stupid." She shrugged and I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing. "Anyway, that's how Louis and I got to know each other and afterwards we went for dinner. It was on the corner of the shopping plaza, it's part of the arcade now but it used to be an Italian. It became a regular date spot for us, we'd go at least once a month if we ran out of ideas. When it shut down we were both devastated. Turns out they had a one star rating or something and all the food was dangerous to eat, but we were always fine." I thought back to the one time Louis got food poisoning and I spent all day in bed with him, hugging him and making sure he was okay. Occasionally I'd wipe his sweaty forehead or stroke his hair/back/shoulders as he was heaving. 

"Okay maybe we weren't always fine but 9 out of 10 times." I poured the spaghetti into the the hot water and watched as it boiled. "So he liked Italian?" 


"What was his favourite food?" 

"Spag Bol."

"No way, that's my favourite!"

"I know it is." She squealed and I chuckled, stirring the pasta around again. "What about dessert what was his favourite dessert?" 

"I think it was Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough ice-cream." She stuck her tongue out. "Ew." 

"So you're not quite the same." She shook her head disappointed. "Can you lay the table please it's nearly ready." She hopped off the counter and set place mats on the table before sitting down. I scooped the food onto two plates and sat down facing her. She swirled the spaghetti round and round before putting a huge mouthful into her mouth and slopping the rest of it down her face. I smiled at her, remembering when I cooked this for Louis for the first time and he did the same thing. 

He always thought his mouth was bigger than it was and things always got messy. 

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