Twenty Three.

169 8 2

Songs for this chapter are:

-Fuck u betta // Neon Hitch

-American Idiot // Green Day

-Drive // Halsey

-Riding on my Bike // McBusted


Neither of us said anything as Louis lifted the bottle up, to show that he had it. I licked my lips in confusion and he exhaled deeply, stepping from foot to foot.

"Can I come in?" He asked hesitatingly and I answered sharply. "No." He sighed, harder this time, and fumbled with himself, unsure of how to stand or what to do. "Can I explain?"


"Harry for god sake just listen to me!" This time it was my turn to sigh but I didn't stop him. "Just hear me out okay? You might not like what I have to say to start with but it gets better, I promise.

So I met him, he was by anyone's account, the perfect guy. Gorgeous, funny, yada yada yada. I kidded myself into thinking I was in love with him and he moved in with me because I'd bought such a big house and it was so nice to have the company. He asked me about past relationships and I lied. I told him I'd never been in love before and made him think he was the only one. What we had, Haz, was too special to talk about, it felt like a fairytale and if I spoke about it then it wouldn't be real anymore. I didn't want anyone else to know about what we had and I just thought he'd be jealous or something because the relationship was so different. We were always fighting.

When he walked out on me I wasn't upset he'd left, I was upset because suddenly I was in this big house all by myself without you. I'd bought all these things thinking in the back of my mind that everything would work out. A spare room for Isobel, a king sized bed for us. And suddenly I realised I didn't and wouldn't have any of that.

I loved you with all my heart Harry. Even when I was supposed to be loving someone else. I can't make other people stay with me because they're not you." His words tapered off and I didn't know what to say. I didn't know if I wanted to leap on him and kiss him, feeling his lips against mine for the first time in forever, or if I wanted to slap him. "Let me make this right Haz, let me love you?" I ran a hand through my hair and took a step back so he could come in. I didn't look at him as he took the first few steps inside, but rather kept my gaze on the carpet.

My heart was beating so wildly, it felt like my chest was ignited with flames. My stomach felt like it was pumping too and it flipped with the amount of butterflies that were soaring in it. He had said exactly what I wanted him to say. But I couldn't decide if it was too late.

I shut the door behind us and followed him as he led the way into the kitchen. He placed the bottle down on the counter and I opened the cupboard, reaching for shot glasses. Neither of us said anything until I placed the glasses down next to the bottle. "I haven't done shots in so long, I don't know if I can stomach it." Louis' face was pulled into a grimace and I chuckled. "You never could handle your booze Tommo." I raised an eyebrow at him, almost challenging him and he spluttered with laughter. "That is not true, if I remember correctly, it was in fact you who could not handle their booze." I tutted and started unscrewing the lid off the bottle as he continued to talk. "Remember that night we went into town and pretended we were uni students to get free drinks and it turned into a competition of who could get the most free drinks, who was holding who's hair back as they were vomiting outside the club?" I laughed at his words and poured the brown liquid into the glasses.

"Okay, sure. Pick the one time I didn't do too well. I can list 10 more times you were hanging the next day Louis."

"Pfft, dare you." He raised his eyebrows back at me and I placed the bottle down on the counter smirking. I handed him his shot glass and downed my own, we both grimaced and slammed the glasses back onto the table. "Okay, easy, time number 1: that fancy dress party we went to at Zayn's. You drank 3/4s of a bottle of vodka and were so out of it you made a move on Liam thinking it was me, started to do a strip tease from Zayn's dining room table before falling off and banging your head on the wall, causing the pictures to fall from the walls and smash. Then we found you the next morning asleep outside on the road in front of Zayn's car. Naked."

"I don't remember that, so it doesn't count." He shook his head and I burst out laughing and held on to the counter for support, scared I was going to fall over in a fit of giggles. "Of course you don't remember it, you were out of it!" He started to laugh too but shrugged. "Don't believe you."

He picked up the bottle of JD and poured two more shots. I picked mine up and we downed them in sync. "What about that time you broke up Zayn and Perrie because you told her, while drunk, that Zayn was seeing someone called Gigi." My eyes popped out of my head. "Shit, I forgot about that. But it all worked out, they're still together, even now." I flapped my hand in a nonchalant way to prove it was okay and he laughed at me and took another shot, offering me more too.

"But what about that time you went out with your work colleges and came back the next day without your shoes and it turned out you'd sold them to a fortune teller." I raised my eyebrow at Louis and he started to laugh, a proper Louis belly laugh. "Oh my god, I forgot about that. She was pretty good actually, she told me that the person I was with was the love of my life but there would be unspeakable heartbreak." I reached for the bottle and started swigged from it. I watched as his eyes changed and he smirked at me.

"Okay Haz, you win, I'm a worse drunk." He took a step towards me. "I've run out of stories for you, but I've got another one about me." He licked his lips slowly and reached for the bottle from my hand, forcing me to put it down before wrapping his fingers round mine. "What about that time we first hung out together, I bought over a bottle of something and we drank it all night before playing strip poker and getting naked and making out on your broken sofa." He took slow steps towards me until there was barely a centimeter between us. "We were practically fucking." His voice was low and his breath tickled my face before he moved his head closer, pressing his lips to mine.

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