Forty Six.

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Songs for this chapter are: 

*Love Yourself // Justin Bieber 

*Getting it out // McBusted

*Best Things I Never Had // Beyoncé


The sound of Belle approaching frightened me and I jammed my phone into my pocket. She did a twirl showcasing her birthday outfit and I clapped my hands together in amazement. She was in a red dress that was floaty on the bottom and when she swirled it lifted and followed her movements. She had matched it with thick black heels and had curled her hair which framed her neatly made-up face. 

My breath caught in my throat as I looked at her and she giggled. "That good ey." 

"You always look that good." 

"Sshhh you have to say that, you're my Dad." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and guided her out the door. "Why do you always say that? You're beautiful." I could sense her getting awkward and she tried to change the subject. "Can we pick Jed up on the way to Louis'?" I could feel myself tensing but I didn't want to give the game away to her so I pretended I was holding in a cough before I spluttered everywhere. "He lives in the complete opposite direction Belle, you can see him any day." She didn't respond as she climbed into my car and I could feel myself start to sweat. 

I'd managed to keep it a secret for this long but I could feel the surprise crumbling slowly around me.

I climbed in the car too and got my phone out to check Louis had responded. Everything had been in code recently and I wasn't sure what he meant half the time. It was almost as if he was a secret agent and we were on a mission together but I hadn't been trained properly. Luckily this time his reply was simple: "We're all ready when you are xx (:" 

Belle picked the songs as we drove over and we ended up belting along to her old favourite teenage band, 5 Seconds of Summer. "DON'T STOOOP DOING WHAT YOU'RE DOOOING." My fingers drummed to the beat as we stopped at a red light and I turned to face the car next to us. In it was an old man who was giving us the evils for having a good time and Belle noticed too. We burst out laughing at the same time and started to sing louder. "CAUSE EVERY TIME YOU WALK IN THE ROOM YOU'VE GOT ALL EYES ON YOU AND YOU KNOW IT KNOW IT KNOW IT." 

When we pulled up in front of Louis' my eyes scanned for any familiar cars that might give the game away but to my surprise his driveway, in particular, was completely empty except for his own red car. Belle gasped much like I had upon seeing his house for the first time and when I parked I nodded along with her. "I know, it's amazing. Wait till you see the inside." 

"How does he afford all this on his own?" 

"I honestly don't know, all I know is he's a radio producer so I'm guessing it pays well." 

"I know what I'm going to be doing when I leave uni then." I chuckled and unbuckled my seat belt. "No, you're going to be a writer, one more successful than J.K Rowling." She giggled and copied me, undoing her seat belt, before we both stepped out the car in unison. She grabbed my hand as we walked to the front door and I fished in my pocket for my key. Belle raised her eyebrows at me. "You have your own key?" 

"For emergencies." 

"Does this constitute an emergency?" 

"Shut up and get your bum in there okay." She stepped inside first, but clutched my hand more tightly. I shut the door behind us and pointed her in the direction of the kitchen. Her heeled shoes echoed as she walked and I felt my heart start to race. My palms became sweaty but she didn't pull away. 

When we got into the kitchen I managed to register Louis in the centre before everyone else popped up and yelled surprise. Many party poppers exploded everywhere and amongst the confetti and smoke Belle staggered backwards in shock before bursting into laughter. She bent slightly over and walked forward dragging me with her. It had only been a second or two and everyone yelled in unison again "Happy Birthday!" 

She turned to face me, "Did you do all this?" 

"Nope, Louis did." Her mouth dropped open and she turned to face everyone before letting go of my hand. She walked through the crowd of people and straight to Louis, throwing her arms around his neck. He had to bend down a little to wrap his arms around her waist and I watched as he smiled, a real true Louis smile with the corners of his eyes creasing and his lips nearly disappearing. It warmed my heart and I felt like all my broken pieces were finally back together again, almost like they had never been damaged. 

I was a new Harry that saw the world in colour once again. 

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