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Songs for this chapter are:

* 7 Years // Lukas Graham

*Love Yourself // Justin Bieber

*Cool For The Summer // Demi Lovato 


I stroked Isobel's forehead gently with my thumb as she started to breathe deeper with the sounds of sleep. Gently I sat up and untangled my limbs from hers before tiptoeing out of her bedroom and shutting the door. I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding and rested against the door for a few seconds. 

My mind was racing and all I wanted and needed and was wishing for was to wake up and start this day all over again. 

I padded quietly along the landing and sat back down in my normal seat in the kitchen. I was shocked to feel how empty everything was now when just a few short hours ago everything seemed so vibrant and colourful. I couldn't understand how Louis' presence brought so much light into this tiny room and into my life, and how dark everything seemed when he had left. For some reason, everything felt even emptier than before and my heart ached like I used to. 

My eyes wondered around the room as my arms moved to hug myself. I had to hold Isobel and be strong, but no-one was holding me. I knew it was my job to always look after her but why wasn't it someone's job to look after me? All I needed was a hug and someone to tell me everything was going to be okay. 

Everything was so much quieter than before and it felt like the ghost of Louis that had been haunting me for so long was gone. Everything was different somehow. 

The box of photos was still perched on the table and my eyes fixed themselves on it. All the memories inside were a lie. I'd been lying to myself for all these years, kidding myself that I was Isobel's dad and she was my daughter. But she wasn't. Although things seemed better somehow, everything also looked broken and twisted. 

I sighed and stood up, attempting to put the lid back on the box and suppress all these thoughts when I noticed one photo still scattered across the table. I reached for it and nearly put it back in the box but noticed something different about it, something odd. It was ripped down one side, leaving just Zayn and Jed alone in it. 

The half that had Isobel and I on it was gone. 

My eyebrows knitted together as I flipped the photo over, seeing writing on the back. 

"You need some time to process everything, but when you can stand to talk to me, this is my number, I won't walk away again." Some numbers were scrawled along the bottom of the flimsy photo and in the corner it read: "To Isobel" My heart stopped. He didn't walk out. He wanted to fix things. 

Just not with me

I ran a hand through my hair and plopped back down on the chair. 

My heart was racing and I couldn't tell why. Was it because he finally was stepping up and involving Isobel in his life? Or was it because I wasn't important to him anymore and I was breaking all over again? 

I re-read the message over and over again before my head must have hit the table and I fell deep asleep.


"Dad? Dad?" My eyelids fluttered open to the sight of Isobel stood over me as she shook my shoulder gently . "Are you okay Dad?" I turned my head so that my chin was resting on the table and I squeezed my eyes together. Everything ached from sitting in the same position for so long. 

"I'm okay, are you?" 

"I've been better, coffee?" I felt as she turned away from me and walked over to the kettle. I sat up and unclenched my hand, feeling something flutter out of it. My other hand reached for it in my lap and suddenly I remembered the note from Louis. 

I don't know what made me do it, but I scrunched it up more and shoved it in my pocket before Isobel could read it. 

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