Twenty Two.

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Songs for this chapter are:

*Don't Let Me Go // Harry Styles

*Weightless // All Time Low


The drive home was longer than the drive there as I took bleak country roads to try and block out my sorrows. There was something about the green of the fields and the smell of fresh air that made me feel refreshed. Somehow I had managed to hold back the tears for the whole journey but as soon as I stepped foot inside the house, they started to fall. 

Louis had met someone else. 

His words kept replaying in my mind as I slid down the wall and pulled my knees to my chest. I sobbed into them and thought about how hard the past 18 years had been. Raising Isobel was the hardest thing I had ever had to do. Everything felt like I was doing it wrong and I feared every day that I was messing up. Of course the reward of having her was greater, but the fear was still there. Every decision could have been wrong. What if I sent her to the wrong school or even made her wear the wrong outfit? The nights were always the hardest because once she was tucked up in bed I was met with the relisation that I was alone. I had to face the fact that I was raising her alone and I had no back up or support. I had to face the fact that Louis was not coming back, but I was simultaneously imagining every scenario where he might be. I spent every night dreaming of him returning but now I knew he was in love with someone else. 

I balled my hands into fists and started beating the door behind me. 


I pressed the palms of my hands into my eyes and sobbed. Crazy coloured shapes started to dance through the blackness and I had to pull my hands away and adjust to daylight. But it wasn't daylight anymore, it was getting darker. Something about the darkness around me sobered me up to reality and the tears seemed to dry up. It was one of those rare moments where after it was all let out things seem to be clearer. A funny five minutes. I stood up and wiped my sleeve over my face, drying all the tears before walking into my bedroom to change. 

I'd only got my head and one arm into a new t-shirt when the doorbell rang. I sighed, pulling my other arm through the sleeve as I walked towards my front door.  I fumbled clumsily with the latch and let the door roll open by itself, revealing Louis who was holding a bottle of Jack Daniels. 

De Ja Vú. 

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