Thirty Four.

156 5 2

Songs for this chapter are:

*Go Go Go // Sleeping With Sirens

*Medicine // The 1975

*Honest // Kodaline


Darkness surrounded me as I stared at the blank television, completely lost in thought. My whole world had been turned upside down for the second time just a few short hours ago and this is where it had left me. Alone again and sat in my cold dark living room.

The front door clicked open and I frantically mopped at my damp cheeks with the sleeve of my shirt. I didn't quite have enough time to flick the TV on before Isobel padded quietly into the room. "Dad...? Are you okay?" 

"Mhmm, of course." She perched down next to me but didn't look like she quite believed me. "Okay...well, if you're sure... Er me and Jed were talking today and he was like you, of course, and convinced me to get to know Louis. I think I would like to do it." 

"Okay. Good." 

"So...Can I like...have his number or something?... Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes I'm fine." I said as I stretched my legs out and fished in my pocket for my phone. I handed it to her and she took it tentatively, "His contact is in there." She looked at me worriedly but stood up nonetheless, clasping my phone to her chest. "What do you think I should say? I've never spoken to him before? Have I even heard his voice before?" She sat back down and rested my phone on her knee just staring at it. "Just say hi and he'll love you straight away." Her tongue ran nervously along her bottom lip and I watched as her long eyelashes fluttered against her cheeks. "Will you hold my hand while I do it?" 

"Of course I will." She placed her own phone down on her lap next to mine and I felt as the butterflies started to build up in my stomach. I wasn't sure what I was nervous about, was it the fact that she was about to take the first steps in knowing her father? Or was it because I was about to hear his voice again? 

Her long dainty fingers tapped away at the keypad, copying his number exactly before she rang him. The dialling tone only lasted a short while before a husky voice answered. "Hello?" Isobel gripped my hand tightly as her eyes flicked up to look at me. I encouraged her to talk with a wave of my free hand and she started, her voice wavering at first. "Hi, it's um it's Isobel." 


"Yeah, hi. Wow this awkward isn't it." She tried to laugh but it was strained and I gave her a small thumbs up. "I just thought we could um, you know, do something together soon and like...get to know each other."

"You still want to hang out with me? After everything?" 

"Um, yeah? Why wouldn't I?" I knew Louis was referring to today and thought he had blown his chances forever. It hurt me a little bit that he would think I'd be that petty to stop him from knowing his daughter for my own selfish reasons. "Wow okay, when are you free? Tomorrow? Are you free tomorrow?" Isobel gulped at his words and tensed, obviously thinking tomorrow was too soon. She looked back up at me, scared, and I nodded at her before mouthing 'it's now or never'. 

"Yeah, tomorrow is good."

"Great okay, where?"

"Um, home." I felt my own palms start to become damp but I didn't want to stop her from doing this. If she wanted to meet him here, I'd have to be the one to leave. 

The Story of Us // L.SWhere stories live. Discover now