
206 11 3

Songs for this chapter are:

-Nina // Ed Sheeran

-Photograph // Ed Sheeran

-Bloodstream // Ed Sheeran



This could not be happening. 

No way.


Isobel bounced over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, nuzzling her face into my shoulder, the same way she had always done. My arms moved limply to her waist but my eyes stayed locked with Louis'. 

His features reflected how I felt; like a rabbit caught in headlights. His eyes were wide and I could feel my own popping out of my head. He was chewing on his bottom lip nervously, something he always used to do and it something that I had once found endearing. But right now, it was the last thing in the world I wanted to see. 

My heart was pounding in my chest and I couldn't tell if I felt alive again after seeing Louis, or shit scared that I was about to lose everything. 


Isobel took a step back and beamed at me, but her expression changed when she saw my face. "Are you okay? You look....stressed?" Her eyes started to trace my face as I tried to speak but no words came out my mouth. Her eyebrows knitted together as she took a step to the side, seeing Louis for the first time. My heart dropped and I felt as my stomach knotted together. It felt like ice had just been poured down my back as pure fear took over me. 

"Who's your friend?" She intertwined her arm with mine and started to look at Louis properly. An awkward silence fell between us and all I could hear was the sound of my own heartbeat pumping in my ears. 

And the sound of my own betrayal. 

Isobel looked at me again then back to Louis before harshly pulling her arm away from me and walking backwards. Her back hit the table behind us and she fell into the free seat breathing heavily. I didn't know what to say and found myself frozen to the spot. 

"No. You're dead. You're dead." She covered her mouth with the palm of her hand as tears started to slip down her cheeks. "Tell me this isn't who I think it is Dad please. Please Dad tell me." I could feel my heart cracking even more at the sound of her desperate pleas, reminding me of when she was an innocent child. Her sweet baby face was scrunched up in pain and I didn't know what to do. My own eyes started to fill with tears and I ran a hand through my hair and over my face. "I'm sorry." 

"No. No. No. No. No. No. You wouldn't do that. You wouldn't!" 

"I'm sorry."  There was nothing else I could say.

I lifted my head up from staring at the floor and watched Louis properly for the first time. He was shifting nervously and his face was contorted into one of discomfort and if I didn't know any better I would say he was trying not to cry. But I did know better; I knew he was heartless. He didn't care that he had just destroyed his daughter's life.


Isobel's strangled sobs cut through me and Louis took a deep breath, shifting his gaze between the two of us then to the floor. 

"Why?" Her shrill broken voice rang through me and I took a deep breath before kneeling on the floor in front of her, finally turning my back on Louis. "Because he left us and I was trying to protect you from knowing the truth. I didn't want you to hurt like I hurt." Her tears were splashing onto me and every drop burned from my own betrayal. "What else have you lied about?" She spat her words at me and I hung my head in shame, watching my own tears fall to the ground. "Some... other stuff." 

"What other stuff Dad? Or should I call you that at all?" I squeezed my eyes shut and held my breath to stop my own sobs from echoing round the café. 

I'd never experienced heartache like this before.

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