
182 8 2

Songs for this chapter are:

*Colours // Halsey

*Cheater // The Vamps


It had been a long and stressful fortnight, and things seemed to have been neglected around the house. Isobel had adjusted back into her normal life, away from home and back at uni, and I'd let everything slide. The house was a mess and something I wasn't used to. 

In one swift motion I knocked all the litter from the counter into a bin bag and threw it towards the doorway. It landed with a thud and a few things slid around in it slowly. I then put all the dishes and plates laying around into the dishwasher and stood back, feeling relatively normal again. The pile of washing was screaming at me from the spare bedroom and I grimaced as I followed the pleas and cries. A mountain of clothes lay on wait for me, much of which was Isobel's that she was going to come back for.

I separated the clothes into piles and started to fish through all the pockets. It was something I had learned the hard way to do since pieces of tissue or something always ruined the wash, and I had to deal with a teenage girl winge at me for days afterwards. My fingers quickly dashed between pockets and clothing items before feeling something crackle in a pair of my own jeans. My eyebrows knitted together as I pulled whatever it was out and I saw a screwed up piece of paper.

However when I unraveled it, it was not a piece of paper, but rather a photograph. 

And suddenly I remembered what it was. 

My fingers flipped it over and I was met with the sight of Louis' number written in his messy boyish writing. Would it be so bad him? To hear his voice just once more?

I paced back into the kitchen where I had left my phone, leaving the washing behind me. My fingers danced over the screen and I wasn't sure what to do anymore. Do I let Belle make her own choices or do I shield her from the heartbreak that was plaguing her? 

My reflection was staring back at me from the bleak black screen. I looked so run down with my hair everywhere and bags under my eyes. But something about the way I looked influenced my decision. My hands scooped up the phone and opened messages before typing out a text to Louis and sending it. 

"I'm ready to talk now, maybe we could meet up soon?" 

Sent at 12:04.

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