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The years started to pass and Isobel never mentioned Louis again, seeing the pain and discomfort it caused her father. Harry, on the other hand was trying his best to encourage Belle to love Louis even though he wasn't around. He did this by showing her photos when he could so she never forgot what Louis looked like. 

Oodly to Harry, Isobel never put two and two together, seeing the resemblance she had to her father. Everyday she looked more and more like him and by the time she was 18, her hair was the same mousy brown colour, causing all her features to be like that of her Dad's. 

When she was 18 she moved out of Harry's house, making his life even emptier. She was studying English Literature at University and loved every second of it, even if she did worry about her Dad being home alone every single day. As part of her new life, she was seeing a new boy, the black haired Jed Malik. Someone her father had warned her against, but she thought what he did not know could not hurt him. 

A motto that would pull the family apart.  

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