Thirty Seven.

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Songs for this chapter are:

*Fix You // Coldplay

*Happily // One Direction

*Hey There Delilah // Plain White Ts


Louis looked furious, his eyes a darker blue than normal and I felt pretty chuffed with myself. It was a rare thing for me to truly make him mad, and something I had only done a handful of times. Something about the way his nose crinkled at the top and the way his mouth was set in a hard line pleased me and I wanted to see how far I could push it. I felt like if I could make him angry my own pain wasn't quite as bad.

Sam stood up and pecked Louis on both cheeks.

"Honey, where have you been, you're late?!" Louis placed his hands on Sam's hips and gently pushed him away without breaking eye contact with me. "Sorry, I got held up at the office." I scoffed and cocked my eyebrow at him. "Not seeing a mystery lady or something were we Louis?" This caused Sam to laugh out loud as he sat down. "Please, Louis is as gay as they come, aren't you sweetie, sit down, why are you just stood there?" He did as Sam said and pulled a chair over from the table next to us, perching down, as far away from the both of us as he could get. "Isn't it lucky I ran into Harry here, his car broke down outside?!" Sam said it like he was so proud of himself and Louis nodded slowly, trying to play along. "Did it now?"

"I tried phoning my daughter but she was with someone and couldn't help me. I think she's probably alone and alright to talk now though." Sam didn't even catch on for a second and handed me his phone. "Please go ahead and use my phone, I have unlimited minutes. How old is your daughter?"

"18, 19 next month."

"Wow! You don't look old enough to have such an old daughter." I smiled slyly at Louis and I watched him shift in his seat. "I adopted her actually, she's not mine."

"Wow! You did that all on your own? That's so brave."

"I wasn't alone when we made the decision but my partner left me when she was two days old."

"No! What a nasty piece of work! Louis did you hear that? How horrible!" I watched as Louis squirmed and looked down to the ground. He was trying so hard to play along but I could tell his blood was boiling. "We don't know the circumstances Sam, let's not jump to conclusions." Sam tutted Louis. "There is no excuse to walk out on a two day old baby, have you seen him since then Harry, I assume it was a him?"

"Nope, he vanished into thin air." Sam's mouth hung open as I spoke and he started to play with the straw in his glass in thought. No-one said anything and eventually Sam stood up. "Sorry boys, that mocktail ran right through me, back in a tick." He hadn't even walked three steps away when Louis sat forward and practically snarled in my face.

"Stop it Harry, stop it. You're not funny."

"I don't think there's anything funny about walking out on a two day old baby." I hiccuped at the end and started slurping up the last of my third cocktail. I hoped I looked innocent, my eyes big as I sucked on my straw and I hoped it made Louis' blood crawl. "Fuck sake, this is mad I can't do this anymore. Harry stop whatever you're doing. You win, I'll tell him. I'll tell him right now if that's what you want me to do."

I pushed the straw to one side and sat forward with my arms crossed on the table. I don't know what made me do it, probably the alcohol, but I said it anyway: "Louis, I just want you to love me like when we were 18."

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