Forty Two.

143 6 2

Songs for this chapter are:

* Tell Me a Lie // One Direction

*Happily // One Direction

*Long Way Down // One Direction


Louis reached for my hand and tangled our fingers together while his knee bopped wildly next to mine.

The office we were in was cold and sterile with white washed walls and the only sound was the ticking of a clock. The receptionist behind the desk had given up too, walking away into a back room, leaving Louis and I completely alone with a row of empty chairs for company.

"How do you do this every week Lou?"

"It get's easier. The first time I came I nearly walked out. In fact, just as I stood up to leave they called my name. My flatmate at the time, Niall, the one who also found me on the bridge you know the story, had made my appointment for me and when they called me I knew I couldn't let him down especially since he'd done so much for me. But like I said, it get's easier and I'm used to it now."

"Then why are you so nervous?" I placed our joint hands on his knee to stop him from bouncing and he sighed. "Because you're here."

"I can wait in the car or something if that's what you want."

"No!" His voice echoed round the small waiting room and he grimaced before quietening down and continuing. "No, this is good for me, he said it's breaking down barriers and stuff. I don't know Haz. Basically you need to be there." I watched his face as he scanned the room over and over with his eyes and I squeezed his hand.

The door opposite us opened and a tallish man with grey hair stepped out, smiling at Louis. "You ready to come in?" His eyes landed on me and his smile widened. "You must be the famous Harry." He walked towards me and held his hand out for me to take. "I'm Doctor Phillips, I have a feeling I've heard more about you then you've heard about me, is that right?" I nodded as I shook his hand before he turned around to lead us into his office.

Inside was less scary than the outside, and it seemed homely. There were cushions and sofas and chairs for us to sit anywhere we wanted and they were colourful with personality. His walls had paintings of weird splotches on them but they were colourful too and seemed to make the room more inviting. One of his walls was nearly completely covered in thank you cards and I couldn't help but think that he must be good if this many people wanted to thank him for his services.

Louis lead me over to the pond green sofa and sat down, adjusting his belt, and I copied him, perching on the edge of my seat. "Right, Harry. Don't feel nervous you're not being examined and I'm not taking notes on you or judging you in anyway, we're all here for Louis. Have you ever been to Counselling before?" Dr Phillips sat down on a big orange chair in front of us, resting a notepad on his lap. He looked over the rim of his glasses at me and I felt my palms getting sweaty. "No, I can't say that I have."

"What are your thoughts on it?"

"Um...I...think if people need help they should get it? I don't judge people for reaching out." He nodded slowly at me and clasped his hands together. "What did you think when Louis told you he was in Counselling?" I started to feel uneasy and like I was being put on the spot, unsure of what I could and couldn't say. I turned to look at Louis and he was watching me with wide eyes. "Er, it was a surprise. I mean, I haven't seen Louis for nearly 19 years but when I did know him he seemed um...well put together." I untangled my hand from Louis' and started to wipe my sweaty palms up and down the thigh of my jeans. Dr Phillips sat back in his chair and continued to nod at me. "Even 19 years ago, were you aware that Louis struggled with talking about things?" I scratched along my jawline nervously trying to think of an answer.

"Yes, he has very high walls which are hard to break down. I've been surprised recently that he has been so open and has shared so much with me that he would not have done before."

"Mhmm, okay. Well, I have known Louis for the last 19 years and I have to agree with you. Getting information out of him before was like pulling teeth, he was very closed off and scared, but now he's opened himself up and I'm very proud of him, I imagine you are too? Louis, how much does Harry know about your life up until now?"

"Everything. All of it."

"Has he been introduced to all of the important people that have come into your life, Niall for example?" I felt like I was in a tennis match, flicking my head between Doctor Phillips and Louis, trying to watch both of them as they spoke and absorb everything. Louis shook his head. "Not yet, but it's on my to-do list."

"And why have you not done it already?" Louis inhaled slowly as he thought about his response, possibly something he hadn't thought about at all. "Well, I think it would feel strange to let those two worlds meet. It's like the two parts of my life coming together and I'm just scared about them colliding."

"Why is that?"

"I think it's because then everything becomes real. I don't really remember the darkest times that I've been through because I've locked them away but Niall does and it's just scary to think that it has to come out of the box." I reached over and squeezed Louis' thigh encouragingly, offering him a small smile. "Niall is so important to me and I don't like that I've put him through so much. I don't like how I've put everyone through so much and all these people have to meet and it just feels like a collision in my mind of bad energy meeting."

"Is what you're really afraid of what happens once these two worlds collide Louis? Are you scared about what happens in the future?" Louis' voice was timid when he responded, "Terrified."

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