Twenty Eight.

174 5 5

Songs for this chapter are:

*rEaR vIeW // Zayn

*wRoNg // Zayn

*fOoL fOr YoU // Zayn

What does everyone think of Mind Of Mine?


Louis switched off the engine of his car and turned to look at me. I let my eyes scan over his face before resting them looking into his eyes, which were glinting in the darkness around us. "I had fun today." His voice was soft and I smiled back at him in response. "Me too, I almost don't want it to end."

"So don't let it, invite me up." I sucked on my bottom lip and looked up to the set of windows that were my bedroom. There was a dull yellow glow which meant Isobel was still up. "I can't." He cupped my cheek and turned my head to face him again. His expression was anxious, probably mirroring my own. "Harry, I don't want to upset her either. She'll be mad at first but she's got to except at some point...what ever this is."

"Louis, it's so complicated. It's always just been me and her. I was the one person she could trust in her life and I can't shatter that."

"I know baby." His thumb started to stroke carefully back and forth over my cheek. I sighed and pulled his hand away. "If she's feeling okay I'll invite you up. Watch the window."

I climbed out the car and walked up to our flat pausing briefly outside my own front door. I could hear the low buzz of the TV from inside and was sure Isobel had waited up for me. I was a bad person. I shouldn't lie to her.

Sighing, I put my key in the lock and let myself in. I followed the noise of the TV and found Isobel sat up right on the sofa, clutching a cushion tightly to her chest. She didn't turn to look at me but I could tell she was angry about something. "You know who came round today? While you were out."


"Liam." I felt my shoulders slump and ran a hand through my hair. My body felt weak as I sat down on the sofa next to her. "Who were you with today Dad?"


"It was Louis wasn't it?" She still faced the telly even though she had reached for the remote and turned it off, shrouding us in darkness. I didn't know what to say so I simply nodded, hoping she would see. It caused her to fly up and throw the pillow towards me. I reached out with both hands and caught it before it flew into my face and lowered it to see her stood above me.

"Why? I asked you to stay away from him!"

"I couldn't." My voice was quiet and I wasn't sure she could hear me.

"Why? You asked me to stay away from Jed and I did!" I licked my lips and put the cushion down on the sofa next to me. "You aren't in love with Jed. He is not your soulmate. You don't know what it's like. I've never loved someone like I love Louis and it's so intoxicating. I don't think straight. I make bad choices. I always have when he's involved. He has this power over me, and has done since the first time I met him. I'm just so in love with him Belle. I haven't had him in my life for 18 years and it's felt like a part of me was missing and it's finally back. I can't keep away."

"Why can't you, for me? For me Dad."

"Please don't make me choose Belle. I love you so much, like you were my own daughter... more! I would choose you but I can't live without that piece of me he has either." I could tell there were tears streaming down her cheeks and she didn't know what to say. She made herself taller and started fiddling with her hands before she finally uttered a single word, "Fine" before leaving the room. I heard as her bedroom door slammed and I ran my hands shakily over my face.

This was a disaster.

But I still stood up and walked to my bedroom, signalling for Louis to come up.

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