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Thursday...(June 26th, 2014)

I couldn't wait to start my new job. As a child, I've always been fascinated with music. It'd helped me escape everything and open my eyes to the world around me. Getting to work with people that produce music is my dream job. After graduating from college, I started looking for jobs in New York.

Applying almost everywhere, I'd never think I make it in the music business. When I found out I was hired at Republic Records, I felt the happiest I've ever been in my life. I don't know which artist I'm working with yet, but I honestly don't care. I'm just excited to pursue my dream job.

I have to thank my brother, Jordan, for this job. He also works at Republic Records. He got in touch with some managers from the label and got me hired as an assistant manager for some artist I didn't know of yet.

Since I graduated recently, I've been staying with my brother in Manhattan, New York so I can attend New York University. We live in a two-floor loft in the middle of the city. It might be two floors, but its not as big as you think. The owner was so generous with the rent, I could never repay him for that.

"I can't believe this is your last day here, Aaliyah. We're gonna miss those rude ass comments of yours!" My best friend and co-worker, Bianca, says to me. We've been friends since high school, and I honestly love her to death. She's like my annoying nosey little sister that's still my best friend.

I've been working at this old diner as a waitress since I was 19. Since college, this place had been a source of money to contribute to the bills for my brother and I. Now that I was getting a job at the record label, it was time for me to quit. I wish I could work both jobs, but I'm pretty sure my new one would be very time consuming.

"I know, love! I'm sorry, but I'm just another bird! I need to spread my wings and fly away from this place." I respond. I really will miss them all. Everyone that worked here had been down with me since day one, and I was finally leaving. The thought of not seeing them every day made me sad.

"I guess it's best for you. I'll see you tonight!" We hug and I say another quick goodbye. Finally, I'm going to my loft to dive in to my bed. Hopping in my car, the ride home only was about 10 minutes. I didn't live that far away. I couldn't wait to go home, actually. I know I said I loved the diner, but boy was I tired! Mainly because of my lack of sleep.

My phone beeps and I peer down at the text.

jordan: liyah where are you? its six already!!

me: sorry, i had to say bye to all them...im gonna miss them!

jordan: yeah well get home we have to go out!

me: where?

Read 6:04.

Ugh! I hate when he does this. Leaving me full of guessing... ain't nobody got time for that! Jordan is also like a best friend to me. When we were growing up, we were practically all we both had. I wouldn't be doing what I am today if it weren't for my annoying, childish brother. I know we seem like we hate each other, but there's nothing but love laced in our words.

When I reach home, its 6:15. I pull up to the apartment building and check in at the lobby. The lights are dim and yellow. The walls are all white and the desks are a gold-ish color. Everything is well put together and organized, along with the hallways, ceilings, and floors.

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