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Aaliyah's POV

"I know you remember me." He states as soon as we exit his office. Despite being angry, I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to talk to him at all. Honestly, all he's going to do is try to get with me again. I'm going to resist him as much as I can. I don't think he likes no as an answer.

"Are you not going to say anything?" He asks. I keep my mouth shut again. He presses the 'L' button on the elevator until it reaches the floor we're on.

As soon as the door closes, I wish I could get off. I don't like being in a confined place with him. He steps closer, and I step back. This repeats until my back is against the side of it. The elevator is tinted so dark that you can't see anything inside. He moves in close to me, which almost immediately makes me feel  awkward.

"Mr. Tesfaye, is there a problem?" I ask, trying to keep things strictly professional. I don't feel like dealing with him. And I really want him to get from so close to me.

"Call me Abel. And again, why won't you answer me?" He says. This time, he narrows his eyes at me and stares directly in to mine. I don't like looking in to his; they seem dark.

"Because that conversation is not business related, nor does it have to do with getting to know me better, Mr. Tesfaye." I say, matter-of-factly. Cash said Abel can take me out on a BUISNESS lunch to get to KNOW me. What's he's trying to talk about doesn't concern any of those topics.

Abel leans in closer, so that we're inches away from each other. We're so close that I can't even see his eyes; I'd need to look up to see them. I can smell his breath. Minty with a side of weed. What an interesting combo. Strangely, it smells nicer than I expect.

"Okay. Well then let me ask you this: Why'd you reject me?" He leans in even closer, making me even more uncomfortable that I already was. I couldn't help but laugh. Abel can have any girl he wants, but yet, he's so intrigued by the fact of me rejecting him that he has to do this much! Seems desperate to me.

"Is your ego that hurt by one rejection? Just get a different girl for your little one-night stand. But just know I ain't the bitch for that." I laugh even harder at him, and he narrows his eyes more at me. I really don't get why he's so intrigued with me. He can have all those other girls that are way hotter than me, but yet, he wants me. It's hard to contain my laughter.

"Girl can you just answer my damn question?" He pesters. Hold up...who does he think I am? I'm not a regular hoe that he can just walk all over. I roll my eyes at him.

"Um, excuse you? Who the hell are you talking to? You not just going to be disrespectful to me like I'm a damn animal." I say. "I'm different than these other girls you're used to. I'm not
giving myself up to you." I answer.

"Sure you won't, baby." Abel winks. "However I always get want. And I want you."

Then, his lips brush with my mine. Without even fully feeling them, I could sense that they were very plump and soft. Tempting. Abel's hands snake to the sides of my curves, and I begin to panic. He's getting too friendly with me. This isn't right, he needs to get off of me!

"This is very unprofessional, isn't it Mr. Tesfaye?" Abel straightens his self up off me, and I finally exhale a breath I didn't realize I was holding when the elevator doors open.

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