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The Next Morning...(Friday, September 19th)

Aaliyah's POV

I wake up in an unfamiliar place, on a couch. As soon as my eyes open, I shut them close again so I can try and remember what happened last night.

After rehearsals, the whole crew went to club. Abel and I got in to a fight about...I can't seem to remember.

I open my eyes up again to see Jhene passed out on the floor. Jhene's here, so Bianca must be around somewhere. Shuffling off the couch, I go to shake her awake.

"Jhene...wake the hell up." I mumble loud enough where she can hear me.

"Jhene!" I say, shaking her harder until she finally starts to move.

Her eyes flutter open and she sits up straight. What I'm trying to figure out is how did she end up on the floor?

"Um...morning." She says, and I can tell she's feeling disorientated, as well.

"Good morning." I yawn. "Where are we?"

She takes a minute to respond before fully answering. "Uh, we're in my suite."

"Okay. Where's Bia?" I ask her.

"I think she left with Lamar." Jhene answers me.

Yes Bianca! I know she's been wanting Lamar and now she got him!

We both give each other 'You thinking what I'm thinking' look, then laugh it off.

"Do you know what happened last night? I can't remember anything." I add.

"Well, we both got very, very drunk. Like you were falling down stairs and giggling at everything possible. You and Abel got in to an argument because he went off with some chick in the club bathroom. The three of us even almost left with one guy." She explains and I start laughing very hard.

"Oh wow. Is Abel and I's fight the reason I slept here?" I ask.

"Pretty much. Your exact words were, 'I don't want to be anywhere near the pineapple!'" Jhene exclaims. Yup, I can see myself saying that.

"I need to find Bia." I mutter to myself while rising up form the floor.

When I go to check my phone, I see texts from Bianca, Jordan, and Abel. My Instagram is also blowing up with a bunch of likes, comments, and new followers. Oh gosh, not this again.

When I open Instagram, I see that notifications are flooding in by the second. I can see everyone's mainly freaking out over a video posted by @Jheneaiko.

She posted a video of all three of us at the club last night...

It's with us dancing on countertops.

"JHENE!!" I scream and she's currently laughing hard at my expressions.

"What?" She asks, even though she knows why I'm screaming.

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