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12AM In The Morning...(Monday, October 13th, 2014)

Mariner's Hospital

Aaliyah's POV

"How long is it going to take for y'all to give us some damn answers?! That's my sister in there!" 

"Ma'am can you please calm down-" I cut her off.

"Do not fucking tell me to calm down! If you'd seen your sister laying unconscious and bleeding on the floor, how would you feel? Now you're saying she's in some emergency surgery?! How about you tell me what the fuck is going on?!" I scream at one of the intern surgeons.

It's been three hours since Bianca was rushed in to emergency surgery. We found her laid out on the floor, unconscious and heavily bleeding from in between her legs.

Since then, she was immediately rushed in to the ER. None of the doctors, nurses, surgeons, interns, or even a fucking receptionist has told us one thing. I'm on the verge of losing my mind right now.

"Ma'am, I have information about Bianca Stevens that I am able to tell you. If you would please follow me, I will be happy to explain her situation." Dr. Shepherd calmly tells me.

I let out a deep sigh of relief.

From our beach house, they air-lifted Lamar, Abel, Hawk, Hyghly, Cash and I to Mariner's Hospital in Tavernier or Tavern or whatever the fuck this town is called. When we arrived, they took Bianca away from us.

The whole crew is listening to our conversion intently. I gesture Lamar to come with me to hear what Dr. Shepherd says. 

We're taken in to a private room with a desk and chairs for us to sit in. Dr. Shepherd takes her seat behind the desk and begins to talk. 

"Hello Ms. Willows and Mr. Taylor. I appreciate the patience you have shown with this situation."

I roll my eyes. Is this bitch trying to throw shade at me?

Lamar gives me a hard glare. "Liyah, chill. You've been screaming at this lady all night and she's been doing nothing but trying to help. I know you're upset, but so am I. Do you see me screaming at every damn piece of matter?"

"It's perfectly fine, Mr. Taylor. I understand how she would be feeling right now."

I cross my arms over my chest and puff out. How does Lamar even stay so calm? He doesn't know if the girl he loves is okay and he's just taking it so lightly, unlike me. Of course I'm pissed. My other half is on a fucking operating table. She smiles a little before continuing.  

"To start, we diagnosed Ms. Stevens with ectopic pregnancy. This is a very rare type of pregnancy that occurs when a fertilized egg is implanted somewhere else other than the uterus, which is where the fetus is supposed to grow. 

"In Ms. Stevens's case, the fertilized egg was developing for about four weeks in the fallopian tube. Hours ago, the fallopian tube had ruptured, causing both internal and external bleeding, which was enough to make her faint.

"We had performed Salpingectomy on Ms. Stevens. Salpingectomy is when a fallopian tube, well, her right fallopian tube, is removed. This surgery was a success. However, Ms. Stevens is still fertile, but she is less fertile than she was before. It is harder for her to conceive, but she is still able to undergo a healthy pregnancy.

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